Friday, 31 August 2012



31 Friday Aug 2012

文/鄭堯中  [ 蓮生活佛盧勝彥的密密密網 ]

張秀霞這個名字,對多數真佛宗的新皈依來說,是陌生的。但像我曾在真佛宗打滾二三十年的人,多多少少都知道,張秀霞在公元兩千年在西雅圖控告盧勝彥 性侵犯。這件事轟動一時,在當年也有不少報紙爭相報導,而盧勝彥為了避開被控,以閉關為名逃之夭夭,這也是事實。我當初讀張女士的文章,直覺不像造假,但 很難接受蓮生活佛盧勝彥會修雙身,自然會認為張秀霞在誹謗。加上盧勝彥暗示有顯教給錢張秀霞來破壞真佛宗及盧勝彥的名聲,做弟子的一般上都氣憤無比。
我後來上網重讀張秀霞的故事,再讀盧勝彥近來鼓吹雙身法的開示,知道張秀霞當過盧勝彥明妃的真實性絕非虛構,就更加佩服張女士敢敢控告盧勝彥性侵的勇氣, 也認為,盧勝彥做賊心虛逃之夭夭,不是大丈夫所為,更別說是如如不動的佛了。我1976年接觸盧勝彥的書,八十年代末皈依,2011年八月正式離開真佛 宗。一年後,2012年八月中透過電郵我想跟張女士做個訪問了解她的近況,想不到她一口答應接受我的訪問,這裡就請張女士就當年性侵的事跟盧勝彥的回應, 為大家說明。



鄭堯中:妳今年幾歲了? 可以知道嗎? 有幾個孩子呢?
張秀霞:我今年53歲,華人虛歲 54。我的一切都已公開,歲數已不重要啦!我有兩男一女,全都嫁娶了,已有六個孫,就快有第七個了。謝謝。


張秀霞:有的,有幾次收到email [電郵],要我拿下我的網站,不可以在網站毀謗他們的盧勝彥。也說要殺掉我。

張秀霞:2000年後,在美國第一份工作,在西雅圖一間餐館打雜。 遇見盧的信徒。他們認得我,我們沒有打招呼,也沒有說活,只是我自己害怕罷了。我改做大酒樓 HOTEL 房間清潔工,知道同事也是盧的信徒。後來跟隨西方人老板到處去別人的家和辦公室做清潔工。 我的丈夫不懂英文,找不到工作。後來我們跟人學些護理,一起照顧中國籍的病人。
在路上有時深怕會遇上盧的信徒,所以就決定搬去紐約住了。 在紐約做零售店的收銀員,也擔心會遇上盧的信徒,最後就在我自己的家幫別人看孩子做住家保姆,一做就十一年了,目前在家照顧孫兒,順便也帶多幾個小孩子。


我不知道那些日子是如何過,陌生的環境與地方,沒有華人,只有黑人和白種人,全都是女的,有年輕,也有老的,也有身邊帶有孩子,我的英文也不好,每天躲在 庇護所的一角,偶爾有集體開會,就有華人來翻譯,心底經常害怕與難過,腦子都是家人親人和盧勝彥的影子,盧勝彥笑裡的背後,精神與靈魂的托付都一場空,無 法形容,不能形容…,怎樣面對家人和親人和孩子…

張秀霞:我在庇護所只住幾個月,盧勝彥逃了, 警方不再起訴盧,秘密庇護當局覺得盧不在了,已沒有危險性,我就得離開此處了。



張秀霞:沒有這回事,想都沒想過。在紐約,我在馬來領事館認識了“馬來聯誼會” 的主席,本來他計劃組織一團抗議隊在紐約大街循環抗議真佛宗與盧勝彥,他擔心我會更深受打擊。我本來控告盧勝彥是讓警方捉壞人,讓大家知道盧勝彥這個壞 人,後來這位主席提議我寫稿放上網絡,一樣可以讓所有的人知道他的真面目。我用了將近一年的時間寫了《我的故事 -揭開[真佛宗]創辦人盧勝彥蓮生活佛的真面目》。白天我要專心的帶孩子,只有晚上寫稿,半夜睡不著靈感來了就起來寫,每一行都我有傷心的淚水,所以很難 完成一條完美的句子,我只希望大家可以看得懂就好。
後來我的網頁讀者多了,他們給了我很多的提議,也希望有人可以幫助給律師費,繼續可以控告盧勝彥。所以在三年前,我才放上律師的結單,到今天還沒有人說願意幫助,不過,這已不重要了,我已清楚很多人都知道盧勝彥的真面目了,希望不要像我那麼的無知。 笨!





張秀霞:他到了美國,我們一直相對無言,還好有我律師的秘書一直都陪伴他,也是她帶我丈夫去西雅圖彩虹山庄見盧勝彥的,事前我都不知道,直到我丈夫淚流滿面的給我一封信,只對我說了一句: “為什麼會這樣”。
我實在無地自容無臉面對他,我不知道他是怎樣面對,所有的事情過後才從秘書和我丈夫他們談起我才聽到的,那時我的丈夫一直默默無聲的看著盧勝彥,因為老盧 親手交了一封信給他,驚訝的讓他無話可說,死盧勝彥還加把勁的,加鹽加醋的口出污言,當時我丈夫的心已很痛,雖然很生氣也已沒有力氣了,心中裡已有數,這 盧勝彥不是好人。

張秀霞:這是感恩信,是盧勝彥要我寫信給他的。這封信是我要回馬來西亞的時候,給他的感恩信,裡面寫些感恩和一些我和他關系的語詞,有些寫明我和他關系的字他已用黑筆塗了。(是第幾封, 現在想不起)
記得之前在問事的一次,盧勝彥告訴我說我是他的前世妻子,要我來世再做他的妻子,要我寫信給他,吩咐我在吃飯的時候交給他。所以在盧勝彥飯後走出圖書館門的時候,我在那時候雙手奉上給他,很多人都看見的 (這是第一封) 。



張秀霞:我已說了也寫下了我的真實故事,希望不要再像我那樣的迷信和愚蠢,換來終生遺憾!  信不信我也沒有辦法了。

張秀霞:隨他說,我做不到什麼,他自己因果自負。我清楚的知道他連人都不如 ,何來慈悲?何來佛?


鄭堯中: 他現在當了接班人。 妳認識的蓮寧是一個怎樣的人?



鄭堯中:盧勝彥最近寫了六篇《逃之夭夭》,出版在盧勝彥文集222《逆風而行》 妳怎麼看?
新加玻的 May Tay 鄭靜美小姐告訴我,蓮印上師安排她見盧勝彥,盧勝彥見她的時候,盧勝彥把門關上,他坐在地上,抓住她的雙手,很親切溫柔細語的說話…
當初他坐在地上,抓住我的雙手時,我還心底有點害怕,怕我是平凡人,沾污了“尊貴活佛,高上聖尊” 。當時的我也很驚訝,也開心的,覺得尊貴佛不會嫌棄我這平凡人,竟然會想起我。現在回想當年的我,真笨!

張秀霞:我看過他一些文章,沒有一篇是符合我的,不知道還有沒有其他的文章我是沒有看到?  如果他敢真實寫,我會贊他,如果他亂胡亂寫,他自己妄語因果自負,保重!

鄭堯中:2008年周慧芳律師寫了篇《不可說」之說~戴上法律的眼鏡》( /rumour.php?id=1)一一反駁您文章的各種描訴。我跟周律師及她先生有幾面之緣,覺得她是一位精明的女強人。只是我現在看當年的她,還有我 等,都被宗派內部誤導。如果今天的她,跟師母深談,有幸知道當中真相,相信夫妻兩人必定會離開真佛宗。
檢察官告訴我,這是個Good Case (好的方案) 。 他將安排在X X日期捉拿盧勝彥;  警方告訴我,他們已申請了 [Warrant],等上司批下來就可以行動了…
檢察官的上司給我的理由: — “沒有使用暴力” ,控告不成立;  華盛頓的法律是不干涉宗教的領袖與信徒之間的密切關係;  上司說盧勝彥是高知名度者,他們怕傳媒的干擾。我問檢察官的上司: “如果還有其他的女生,被盧勝彥性侵犯來報案,你會怎樣處理?”警官上司堅持的說: “一樣的,不會起訴盧勝彥。”
這是美國的狗屎法律?這是我的律師與檢察官和他的的上司開會的報告,最重要的是, 檢察官的上司也說沒有懷疑我的口供。

鄭堯中:我讀了妳上載的會議報告,基本上妳告盧勝彥是告不進的,因為美國法律不會干涉宗教領袖與信徒之間的密切關係。妳是受害者沒錯,是上了老盧這 愛情騙子的當,在台灣老盧還可以被控猥亵。 就算有強奸的成份,老盧還是有妳們自願當他的明妃的文件,雷藏寺全挺他,根本就沒有人會當證人。是死無對證的。所以這訪問,雖然無法在法庭幫妳討回公道, 妳勇敢向全人類再次說明,讓人去看,去決定此事真假。這個年代,不是2000 年,是facebook, iphone的時代。也許這是定數,要妳站出來, 很多人會重新認識妳, 會正視這件事,更何況老盧已自誇精通雙修,擺明有做 。這些年難為妳了。

如果「真佛密苑」曾對外開放參觀,內部格局擺設大多數弟子所熟悉,請問有誰會知道盧勝彥的枕頭裡面藏有一片玉枕? 這是盧勝彥拿起他的枕頭給我躺的時候,從裡面掉出來的。

請問周慧芳律師可有檢查過簽名簿子? 我在寺廟的時候,某些日子是沒有簽名報到? 一次? 兩次? 你可以說我是生病了不去寺廟修法。可有檢查過每星期都有請假? 或每星期幾次? 不合格的外客,嚴格的蓮寧是不會批准留住的。

[評1. 外在環境的不可能:]一天的早上,七點半過到45分的時間, 「真佛密苑」正對面的那棟屋子門前有個小男孩在玩球,你可以到「真佛密苑」的正對面的那棟屋子查問,可有見到我開門走進「真佛密苑」?
那天我遲遲不敢走過去「真佛密苑」,因為「真佛密苑」的對面有個男小孩在玩球,盧勝彥親自打電話到女生宿舍,這個時候宿舍是沒有人的,我接了電話, 是盧勝彥!  我告訴他對面有人,他說不要理他,過來!  然後我低著頭走去「真佛密苑」,打開門進去了。不知道那小孩有看到我不?

[評2. 時間上之不可能:]盧勝彥來了沒有人知道,如果知道就不成事了。有一天盧勝彥大發雷霆的第二天早上,剛好我從女生宿舍出來,要去寺廟修法,盧勝彥來了,他 招手叫我進去 [真佛密苑] 的車房,當時也有很多法師看見,包括蓮潔法師(現在是上師)、釋蓮靜法師(男的)等等。下午蓮寧來責問我,我說是師尊叫我進去的,蓮寧聽後也就沒有怪我。 所以蓮寧和蓮潔上師、蓮靜法師妄語,他們是知道盧勝彥曾經在7點多的早上來 [真佛密苑] 。

[評3. 程序上之不可能:]蓮寧習慣妄語,常智你也妄語嗎? 1997年7月問事的時候,盧勝彥吩咐蓮寧和常智師出去,把門關上,只留下我和盧勝彥兩個人在房裡面,當時有好多台灣高雄的同門,包括現在的蓮鐘法師也在 場,蓮鐘法師當然也知道房裡面只有我和盧勝彥兩個人,還有馬來西亞潘碧玲小姐,他們都是有眼睛看的。 我秀霞親眼看到知道的,有日本的靜香上師、春蓮教授師、崔華峰 (釋蓮鍾)、 陳劍玲 (釋蓮婷上師)、于仙、愛樺、陳曉鳳HANIFA、陸曉鳳助教、新加玻的MAY小姐 (蓮印認識的),盧勝彥都是把門關上,房裡面只有兩個人。
方晴與盧勝彥雙修不成,他嚷著要退隱 (沒有退) 。寳兒帶錢跑了,他也嚷著要退隱 (沒有退)。我秀霞控告他,他差一點逃都來不及,他終於退隱了(逃避官司)。

張秀霞:錯! 是律師要我自己先申請撤回,理由是找不到盧勝彥,如果超過5年,法院就會終結,那時我就無法再提訴他,請看我律師的信,只要我願意,我還可以再申訴,希望盧勝彥你別再逃。

鄭堯中:我重讀你的文章。也想為何當地警方有心拖延。盧勝彥和華盛頓前州長有來往。 但 2000年是大選年,也同時選州長。如果你的案件爆發,會讓人想起州長跟雷藏寺的一筆捐款引發的風波。我推測應該有人不希望你的案件影響大局。當然也不排 除警方高層不想得罪盧勝彥,因盧勝彥跟州長的關係,跟地方華人的關係還有跟台灣的關係,這點是可以聯想到的。
當然,法律上您可能败诉的另一原因,是因為這當中的性行為是雙方同意之下进行的(consensus sex),盧勝彥有了妳等的簽字,可以證明是妳同意之下進行性行為,是沒有告盧勝彥“強奸”的理由。 這是盧勝彥狡滑的地方。
張秀霞:當年是被用生命恐嚇之下而同意進行最高雙身法加持。之前我不清楚雙身法加持是性行為,不過我是看過雙身佛像, 心裡是有點緊張。

鄭堯中:盧勝彥講雙修是“幫助”对方。也放話給明妃:「來時無所求」。「去時無牽纏」。 那妳被他“幫助” 多年,到底在修行和證悟上有那些成就? 很多人迷信這點,我擔心還有不少老盧的女弟子會自動獻身。
張秀霞:從1993 第一次馬來西亞給盧勝彥摸頂加持救治,幾乎每一年都求他救治,我飛去香港多次求他救治,飛去印尼求他救治,飛去美國求他救治多次,至自1997年騙我雙修 救治到1999年,病情完全沒有效果,更談不上有成就,不過當時我的感受以為自己已是佛的妻子,再病苦也忍著,跟著佛的腳步一定可以往生佛國。都是騙人 的!
最後經過潘小姐的介紹,馬來西亞一位沒有名氣的降頭師救治,從此就沒有這樣的病痛。 真後悔太迷信!  很後悔!  很後悔!

鄭堯中:盧勝彥說::「 一天三妻都可以,一 天四妻也可以。能夠的話,五妻、六妻、七妻都可以…男的不學習無漏法,這一輩子損失很大,真的,有夠笨的」。您怎麼看盧勝彥最新有關修雙身的開示?

張秀霞:我曾對師母說過一句話: 「做師母不容易。」 師母反應很快的問我為什麼?  我說師母很忙,大事小事裡裡外外都要管,還要包容! (心裡說: 還要容忍盧勝彥外面有女人)

張秀霞:我的網站讀者已寫信告訴我了,其實在盧勝彥出家前,就應該先離婚為出家做好准備,這也說明,他對出家是不尊重的,不重視的,沒有清高的,沒有神聖 的守戒律。到現在才離婚,就說明盧勝彥出家了他跟盧麗香還是夫妻,師母當然知道盧勝彥死性難改。就和正常人一樣,老婆發現老公不忠,就鬧離婚!  盧勝彥真的是掛羊頭賣狗肉的花和尚!


張秀霞:這個是女人的自然反應,不吵的話,師母就不正常了。現在吵翻了, 就說明盧勝彥是多麼的可惡。多少年了,師母已忍無可忍!



鄭堯中:妳說有位M女士在西雅圖雷藏寺被幾個人打傷進了醫院. 因為M女士說了太多話。妳還有跟她來往嗎?

我沒有問M這盧勝彥搞女生的來龍去脈,還有她自己本身聽信盧勝彥多次問事神算的指示,不幸家破財散。聽信盧勝彥說她的老公不好,離婚了。還有標盧勝彥的龍袍和念珠,標了好幾萬,不見命運會變好 。

鄭堯中:據知,師母有請私家偵探跟縱盧勝彥,也應該掌握盧勝彥去一些女弟子的家的動向,盧勝彥應該不是全在密苑跟女生做愛。我以前讀妳的文章,會想 盧勝彥怎可能會在自家廟做? 因為這種事見不得光,我們還開玩笑說為何妳不編寫盧師尊戴鴨嘴帽,墨鏡,偷偷在motel約女生? 這樣的寫法可信度較高嘛! 為何老盧敢敢在雷藏寺做? 他不怕被人撞破?

鄭堯中:會不會有人裝spy camera 電眼偷拍?

鄭堯中:老盧的問事房很小,也好像有窗。妳說他很多時候,在問事房跟女生單獨相處。問事房外就有人,有上師守門。不信的人肯定會懷疑妳這點。老盧怎可能就地做也不怕人聽到,知道? 他不怕有女生喊強奸嗎?這盧勝彥在問事房除了坐下來跟您或其他女生談,還有什麼動作呢?
張秀霞:問事房是有個窗,每次我進去的時候,盧勝彥就會把門關上。他拾起地上的門楔,塞在門底下,再把窗帘關上,他說「他們不會進來的」。「他們」是指上師或法師?  我不敢多問。然后我們就做他想做的事情。 這当然是見不得光的事情,但誰都不敢講話!

張秀霞:沒有注意過,也沒有留意他享受不。如果在問事房,就是很快的,因為不能呆太久在房裡。早上在樓上的話, 是會久些。
1999年我去西雅圖,問事房裝上門鎖了,為什麼問事房要裝上門鎖?  盧勝彥膽子大了,他自己先躺在地上,吩咐我坐在他的旁邊,要我吻他,當時我推卻,因為我不敢沾污他 (聖潔的活佛),他說: 「來!」

張秀霞:是的, 我就是。

鄭堯中:也問得七七八八了。有些問題,一般人不敢問,也沒有幾個人敢回答,就是盧勝彥跟妳做愛的一些慣性動作細節。一般人讀到妳在文章敢講這些房 事,會覺得妳很敢,很大膽,就算不信的人駡妳是潑婦,也會暗暗佩服妳的膽量。文章提到口交,從後插入這些動作。他在開示時自誇懂很多性交招數。可以為我們 細說嗎?
張秀霞:他亂放屁! 盧勝彥只有專長獨孤一味, 就是后面一功。曾經有過一次我躺在地上, 他在上面,就是他給我枕頭睡的那一次,玉枕掉下來的那一次,他好像是控制不來,要漏精了,所以就不再有第二次前面功了。

張秀霞:我不知道, 沒有注意過。就是每當我進去問事房和樓上房間的時候他就馬上開工,我要問事的就沒當一回事,就是不說一句話的馬上用他的金剛杵(陽具)加持了。


鄭堯中: 恭請菩薩仙女就不算“馬上”做。 可以說一說是在樓上房會恭請菩薩仙女,問事房就沒有時間?
張秀霞:他不是每一次都恭請菩薩的,我想他是忘了吧!他都是先插入后, 一手扶著我,一手握拳放在他的額頭,才恭請菩薩仙女的。他到緊張的時候,也是一手握拳大力拼命撞打在他的額頭的。



鄭堯中: 妳說在問事房做是不出聲的。但老盧愛從後面攻,我們稱為狗式doggy style性交式,因為是從後插入下陰,會拍撞屁股, 聲量本來就不小,也很容易被人聽到,也能聽出在做什麼。是沒叫出聲,但如何控制這一種做愛聲量?

鄭堯中:老盧以即身成佛為名鼓吹雙身法,他公開承認精通雙身法。雙身法已被他漂白成“修行”。現在就算他承認有跟妳雙修,人家也不會把它當一回事。 但雙身法的成就,在于有漏無漏,而不是性行為。妳說過老盧是有漏的,而妳因此也得性病。相信老盧無漏的人都會相信老盧大談雙修的好處。 (
張秀霞:盧勝彥在與我雙身的時候,曾經兩次告訴我會懷孕,而且多次在性行為的時候感到水分很多,也曾一次水分滴在地上,他還對我說 "是你的"。 盧勝彥真的是漏了多次!

鄭堯中:"是你的" 是說什麼? 不太明白。
張秀霞:他说 "是你的"  意思是他否认漏精了,却推说是我秀霞流的水分 。

鄭堯中:原來是這樣。 對了,問一個可能會有人有興趣的問題。雷藏寺講妳虛構事實。 我倒想知道,妳打從1997-1999這兩年間,跟老盧一共性交了幾回? 一個大概的數目字就行了。

可否談談一些如老盧發脾氣,或其他等等完全不像“佛” 的事讓大家知道嗎? 我也是多靠他的書建立起一個對他的印象。透過妳的眼睛,談談老盧有那些動作妳是看在眼裡的?我相信不少人也看在眼裡,只是他們都不公開講。

***張秀霞不回答她沒親身看到體會的事,反而表露了她 「是就是,不是就不是」的一面。我個人是親身領教老盧對我的厭惡。他說自己是真佛我曾信到足。但後來我認識的老盧,卻讓我看到他的臭脾氣和非常自大的一 面,這離佛甚遠的身教,比寫了兩百多本美化自己的書還更直接。***

鄭堯中:說個題外話。我跟我太太當年還拿出我們當時所有的錢,就是約六七千美金,在2002年,我們還買了機票,兩個人飛到法屬玻裡尼西亞向風群島 大溪地找師尊,因為想念。我們花了十來天找遍四個大島,找不到盧師尊,卻遇到當地華僑,幫我們打聽。卻發現師尊入境記錄,只去一次,就是閉關前。 我們很驚訝也很失落。回到新加坡,我們不甘心,又另飛夏威夷九天,也是找不到。我們拿了一包人參頭要給師尊泡茶喝。笨笨的。當年這種心,可以感動天。今天 我跟我太太說,還好老盧不在。不然真的給我們找到,搞不好,要上我老婆,那時還不知他的人是這樣的,就真的完蛋了。
張秀霞:真替你捏一把汗!危險!您是說他逃了,也不是去大溪地隱居? 那他又騙人了。

鄭堯中: 老盧不想被妳找到,聲東擊西,表面閉關,實是躲在台灣。他有去過夏威夷短住,也有去韓國玩。
張秀霞:還欠萬多塊美金,我沒有能力去還了。我的丈夫在這十多年很少工作,因為語言不通。律師從來沒有追我還,只是寄來月結單罷了。這十多年都是用我這雙手過生活,沒有依靠任何人。孩子有自己的家庭,  我不會讓孩子為了這個壞人無辜的背上這冤枉債務!

鄭堯中:辛苦了。我也沒什麼錢,幫不上忙。也許登妳的email [] , 若有人想幫妳,可以直接聯絡妳吧。

鄭堯中:老盧公開談明妃要至少十八歲。我替那些真佛宗有女兒十七十八歲的父母擔心。老盧開了這道下流法門, 老盧的弟子,現在都夠腐敗了,以後藉雙修為名性侵眾多女生,這宗派肯定越來越淫亂。妳想跟這些有女兒的真佛弟子說些什麼話嗎?
張秀霞:所以為什麼我要報警控告盧勝彥,寫稿上網揭開這一切,赤赤裸裸真真實實的公開自己,這就是我要說的,醒悟吧!  一失足成千古恨!

寫到這裡,我的訪問也告一段落。老實說,讀了張秀霞的回應,事隔多年,我還是感到她的怨氣,也佩服她的敢說敢言。就正如網上一位Raymond 兄在真佛猴戲網(寫道:「 我堅信的是我不相信一個跟你非深仇大恨的女人會拿自己的貞節、丈夫、小孩、家庭幸福,以及全家將被人投以奇異目光,更可能受到生命威脅的大賭注,而去誣告 老盧強姦的張秀霞女士」。我跟張女士素不相識,也沒提供一分錢給她編這訪問稿。我訪問張秀霞完全是憑良心講話,動機就是揭發盧勝彥這個假佛,因為盧勝彥確 實是一個衣冠禽獸, 一個藉佛法來滿足色欲的淫僧。盧勝彥最近放話,叫弟子不能隨便聽信謠言,意思是說我等在造謠誹謗。他這樣講,更讓我堅信我離開他的決定是對的,因為他連說 瞎話都臉不改容,讓我佩服這個人渣的說謊功力。還不信的人,自求多福,因為下一位受害者,很可能就是你身邊認識的人。



31 Friday Aug 2012

文/鄭堯中  [ 蓮生活佛盧勝彥的密密密網 ]

張秀霞這個名字,對多數真佛宗的新皈依來說,是陌生的。但像我曾在真佛宗打滾二三十年的人,多多少少都知道,張秀霞在公元兩千年在西雅圖控告盧勝彥 性侵犯。這件事轟動一時,在當年也有不少報紙爭相報導,而盧勝彥為了避開被控,以閉關為名逃之夭夭,這也是事實。我當初讀張女士的文章,直覺不像造假,但 很難接受蓮生活佛盧勝彥會修雙身,自然會認為張秀霞在誹謗。加上盧勝彥暗示有顯教給錢張秀霞來破壞真佛宗及盧勝彥的名聲,做弟子的一般上都氣憤無比。
我後來上網重讀張秀霞的故事,再讀盧勝彥近來鼓吹雙身法的開示,知道張秀霞當過盧勝彥明妃的真實性絕非虛構,就更加佩服張女士敢敢控告盧勝彥性侵的勇氣, 也認為,盧勝彥做賊心虛逃之夭夭,不是大丈夫所為,更別說是如如不動的佛了。我1976年接觸盧勝彥的書,八十年代末皈依,2011年八月正式離開真佛 宗。一年後,2012年八月中透過電郵我想跟張女士做個訪問了解她的近況,想不到她一口答應接受我的訪問,這裡就請張女士就當年性侵的事跟盧勝彥的回應, 為大家說明。



鄭堯中:妳今年幾歲了? 可以知道嗎? 有幾個孩子呢?
張秀霞:我今年53歲,華人虛歲 54。我的一切都已公開,歲數已不重要啦!我有兩男一女,全都嫁娶了,已有六個孫,就快有第七個了。謝謝。


張秀霞:有的,有幾次收到email [電郵],要我拿下我的網站,不可以在網站毀謗他們的盧勝彥。也說要殺掉我。

張秀霞:2000年後,在美國第一份工作,在西雅圖一間餐館打雜。 遇見盧的信徒。他們認得我,我們沒有打招呼,也沒有說活,只是我自己害怕罷了。我改做大酒樓 HOTEL 房間清潔工,知道同事也是盧的信徒。後來跟隨西方人老板到處去別人的家和辦公室做清潔工。 我的丈夫不懂英文,找不到工作。後來我們跟人學些護理,一起照顧中國籍的病人。
在路上有時深怕會遇上盧的信徒,所以就決定搬去紐約住了。 在紐約做零售店的收銀員,也擔心會遇上盧的信徒,最後就在我自己的家幫別人看孩子做住家保姆,一做就十一年了,目前在家照顧孫兒,順便也帶多幾個小孩子。


我不知道那些日子是如何過,陌生的環境與地方,沒有華人,只有黑人和白種人,全都是女的,有年輕,也有老的,也有身邊帶有孩子,我的英文也不好,每天躲在 庇護所的一角,偶爾有集體開會,就有華人來翻譯,心底經常害怕與難過,腦子都是家人親人和盧勝彥的影子,盧勝彥笑裡的背後,精神與靈魂的托付都一場空,無 法形容,不能形容…,怎樣面對家人和親人和孩子…

張秀霞:我在庇護所只住幾個月,盧勝彥逃了, 警方不再起訴盧,秘密庇護當局覺得盧不在了,已沒有危險性,我就得離開此處了。



張秀霞:沒有這回事,想都沒想過。在紐約,我在馬來領事館認識了“馬來聯誼會” 的主席,本來他計劃組織一團抗議隊在紐約大街循環抗議真佛宗與盧勝彥,他擔心我會更深受打擊。我本來控告盧勝彥是讓警方捉壞人,讓大家知道盧勝彥這個壞 人,後來這位主席提議我寫稿放上網絡,一樣可以讓所有的人知道他的真面目。我用了將近一年的時間寫了《我的故事 -揭開[真佛宗]創辦人盧勝彥蓮生活佛的真面目》。白天我要專心的帶孩子,只有晚上寫稿,半夜睡不著靈感來了就起來寫,每一行都我有傷心的淚水,所以很難 完成一條完美的句子,我只希望大家可以看得懂就好。
後來我的網頁讀者多了,他們給了我很多的提議,也希望有人可以幫助給律師費,繼續可以控告盧勝彥。所以在三年前,我才放上律師的結單,到今天還沒有人說願意幫助,不過,這已不重要了,我已清楚很多人都知道盧勝彥的真面目了,希望不要像我那麼的無知。 笨!





張秀霞:他到了美國,我們一直相對無言,還好有我律師的秘書一直都陪伴他,也是她帶我丈夫去西雅圖彩虹山庄見盧勝彥的,事前我都不知道,直到我丈夫淚流滿面的給我一封信,只對我說了一句: “為什麼會這樣”。
我實在無地自容無臉面對他,我不知道他是怎樣面對,所有的事情過後才從秘書和我丈夫他們談起我才聽到的,那時我的丈夫一直默默無聲的看著盧勝彥,因為老盧 親手交了一封信給他,驚訝的讓他無話可說,死盧勝彥還加把勁的,加鹽加醋的口出污言,當時我丈夫的心已很痛,雖然很生氣也已沒有力氣了,心中裡已有數,這 盧勝彥不是好人。

張秀霞:這是感恩信,是盧勝彥要我寫信給他的。這封信是我要回馬來西亞的時候,給他的感恩信,裡面寫些感恩和一些我和他關系的語詞,有些寫明我和他關系的字他已用黑筆塗了。(是第幾封, 現在想不起)
記得之前在問事的一次,盧勝彥告訴我說我是他的前世妻子,要我來世再做他的妻子,要我寫信給他,吩咐我在吃飯的時候交給他。所以在盧勝彥飯後走出圖書館門的時候,我在那時候雙手奉上給他,很多人都看見的 (這是第一封) 。



張秀霞:我已說了也寫下了我的真實故事,希望不要再像我那樣的迷信和愚蠢,換來終生遺憾!  信不信我也沒有辦法了。

張秀霞:隨他說,我做不到什麼,他自己因果自負。我清楚的知道他連人都不如 ,何來慈悲?何來佛?


鄭堯中: 他現在當了接班人。 妳認識的蓮寧是一個怎樣的人?



鄭堯中:盧勝彥最近寫了六篇《逃之夭夭》,出版在盧勝彥文集222《逆風而行》 妳怎麼看?
新加玻的 May Tay 鄭靜美小姐告訴我,蓮印上師安排她見盧勝彥,盧勝彥見她的時候,盧勝彥把門關上,他坐在地上,抓住她的雙手,很親切溫柔細語的說話…
當初他坐在地上,抓住我的雙手時,我還心底有點害怕,怕我是平凡人,沾污了“尊貴活佛,高上聖尊” 。當時的我也很驚訝,也開心的,覺得尊貴佛不會嫌棄我這平凡人,竟然會想起我。現在回想當年的我,真笨!

張秀霞:我看過他一些文章,沒有一篇是符合我的,不知道還有沒有其他的文章我是沒有看到?  如果他敢真實寫,我會贊他,如果他亂胡亂寫,他自己妄語因果自負,保重!

鄭堯中:2008年周慧芳律師寫了篇《不可說」之說~戴上法律的眼鏡》( /rumour.php?id=1)一一反駁您文章的各種描訴。我跟周律師及她先生有幾面之緣,覺得她是一位精明的女強人。只是我現在看當年的她,還有我 等,都被宗派內部誤導。如果今天的她,跟師母深談,有幸知道當中真相,相信夫妻兩人必定會離開真佛宗。
檢察官告訴我,這是個Good Case (好的方案) 。 他將安排在X X日期捉拿盧勝彥;  警方告訴我,他們已申請了 [Warrant],等上司批下來就可以行動了…
檢察官的上司給我的理由: — “沒有使用暴力” ,控告不成立;  華盛頓的法律是不干涉宗教的領袖與信徒之間的密切關係;  上司說盧勝彥是高知名度者,他們怕傳媒的干擾。我問檢察官的上司: “如果還有其他的女生,被盧勝彥性侵犯來報案,你會怎樣處理?”警官上司堅持的說: “一樣的,不會起訴盧勝彥。”
這是美國的狗屎法律?這是我的律師與檢察官和他的的上司開會的報告,最重要的是, 檢察官的上司也說沒有懷疑我的口供。

鄭堯中:我讀了妳上載的會議報告,基本上妳告盧勝彥是告不進的,因為美國法律不會干涉宗教領袖與信徒之間的密切關係。妳是受害者沒錯,是上了老盧這 愛情騙子的當,在台灣老盧還可以被控猥亵。 就算有強奸的成份,老盧還是有妳們自願當他的明妃的文件,雷藏寺全挺他,根本就沒有人會當證人。是死無對證的。所以這訪問,雖然無法在法庭幫妳討回公道, 妳勇敢向全人類再次說明,讓人去看,去決定此事真假。這個年代,不是2000 年,是facebook, iphone的時代。也許這是定數,要妳站出來, 很多人會重新認識妳, 會正視這件事,更何況老盧已自誇精通雙修,擺明有做 。這些年難為妳了。

如果「真佛密苑」曾對外開放參觀,內部格局擺設大多數弟子所熟悉,請問有誰會知道盧勝彥的枕頭裡面藏有一片玉枕? 這是盧勝彥拿起他的枕頭給我躺的時候,從裡面掉出來的。

請問周慧芳律師可有檢查過簽名簿子? 我在寺廟的時候,某些日子是沒有簽名報到? 一次? 兩次? 你可以說我是生病了不去寺廟修法。可有檢查過每星期都有請假? 或每星期幾次? 不合格的外客,嚴格的蓮寧是不會批准留住的。

[評1. 外在環境的不可能:]一天的早上,七點半過到45分的時間, 「真佛密苑」正對面的那棟屋子門前有個小男孩在玩球,你可以到「真佛密苑」的正對面的那棟屋子查問,可有見到我開門走進「真佛密苑」?
那天我遲遲不敢走過去「真佛密苑」,因為「真佛密苑」的對面有個男小孩在玩球,盧勝彥親自打電話到女生宿舍,這個時候宿舍是沒有人的,我接了電話, 是盧勝彥!  我告訴他對面有人,他說不要理他,過來!  然後我低著頭走去「真佛密苑」,打開門進去了。不知道那小孩有看到我不?

[評2. 時間上之不可能:]盧勝彥來了沒有人知道,如果知道就不成事了。有一天盧勝彥大發雷霆的第二天早上,剛好我從女生宿舍出來,要去寺廟修法,盧勝彥來了,他 招手叫我進去 [真佛密苑] 的車房,當時也有很多法師看見,包括蓮潔法師(現在是上師)、釋蓮靜法師(男的)等等。下午蓮寧來責問我,我說是師尊叫我進去的,蓮寧聽後也就沒有怪我。 所以蓮寧和蓮潔上師、蓮靜法師妄語,他們是知道盧勝彥曾經在7點多的早上來 [真佛密苑] 。

[評3. 程序上之不可能:]蓮寧習慣妄語,常智你也妄語嗎? 1997年7月問事的時候,盧勝彥吩咐蓮寧和常智師出去,把門關上,只留下我和盧勝彥兩個人在房裡面,當時有好多台灣高雄的同門,包括現在的蓮鐘法師也在 場,蓮鐘法師當然也知道房裡面只有我和盧勝彥兩個人,還有馬來西亞潘碧玲小姐,他們都是有眼睛看的。 我秀霞親眼看到知道的,有日本的靜香上師、春蓮教授師、崔華峰 (釋蓮鍾)、 陳劍玲 (釋蓮婷上師)、于仙、愛樺、陳曉鳳HANIFA、陸曉鳳助教、新加玻的MAY小姐 (蓮印認識的),盧勝彥都是把門關上,房裡面只有兩個人。
方晴與盧勝彥雙修不成,他嚷著要退隱 (沒有退) 。寳兒帶錢跑了,他也嚷著要退隱 (沒有退)。我秀霞控告他,他差一點逃都來不及,他終於退隱了(逃避官司)。

張秀霞:錯! 是律師要我自己先申請撤回,理由是找不到盧勝彥,如果超過5年,法院就會終結,那時我就無法再提訴他,請看我律師的信,只要我願意,我還可以再申訴,希望盧勝彥你別再逃。

鄭堯中:我重讀你的文章。也想為何當地警方有心拖延。盧勝彥和華盛頓前州長有來往。 但 2000年是大選年,也同時選州長。如果你的案件爆發,會讓人想起州長跟雷藏寺的一筆捐款引發的風波。我推測應該有人不希望你的案件影響大局。當然也不排 除警方高層不想得罪盧勝彥,因盧勝彥跟州長的關係,跟地方華人的關係還有跟台灣的關係,這點是可以聯想到的。
當然,法律上您可能败诉的另一原因,是因為這當中的性行為是雙方同意之下进行的(consensus sex),盧勝彥有了妳等的簽字,可以證明是妳同意之下進行性行為,是沒有告盧勝彥“強奸”的理由。 這是盧勝彥狡滑的地方。
張秀霞:當年是被用生命恐嚇之下而同意進行最高雙身法加持。之前我不清楚雙身法加持是性行為,不過我是看過雙身佛像, 心裡是有點緊張。

鄭堯中:盧勝彥講雙修是“幫助”对方。也放話給明妃:「來時無所求」。「去時無牽纏」。 那妳被他“幫助” 多年,到底在修行和證悟上有那些成就? 很多人迷信這點,我擔心還有不少老盧的女弟子會自動獻身。
張秀霞:從1993 第一次馬來西亞給盧勝彥摸頂加持救治,幾乎每一年都求他救治,我飛去香港多次求他救治,飛去印尼求他救治,飛去美國求他救治多次,至自1997年騙我雙修 救治到1999年,病情完全沒有效果,更談不上有成就,不過當時我的感受以為自己已是佛的妻子,再病苦也忍著,跟著佛的腳步一定可以往生佛國。都是騙人 的!
最後經過潘小姐的介紹,馬來西亞一位沒有名氣的降頭師救治,從此就沒有這樣的病痛。 真後悔太迷信!  很後悔!  很後悔!

鄭堯中:盧勝彥說::「 一天三妻都可以,一 天四妻也可以。能夠的話,五妻、六妻、七妻都可以…男的不學習無漏法,這一輩子損失很大,真的,有夠笨的」。您怎麼看盧勝彥最新有關修雙身的開示?

張秀霞:我曾對師母說過一句話: 「做師母不容易。」 師母反應很快的問我為什麼?  我說師母很忙,大事小事裡裡外外都要管,還要包容! (心裡說: 還要容忍盧勝彥外面有女人)

張秀霞:我的網站讀者已寫信告訴我了,其實在盧勝彥出家前,就應該先離婚為出家做好准備,這也說明,他對出家是不尊重的,不重視的,沒有清高的,沒有神聖 的守戒律。到現在才離婚,就說明盧勝彥出家了他跟盧麗香還是夫妻,師母當然知道盧勝彥死性難改。就和正常人一樣,老婆發現老公不忠,就鬧離婚!  盧勝彥真的是掛羊頭賣狗肉的花和尚!


張秀霞:這個是女人的自然反應,不吵的話,師母就不正常了。現在吵翻了, 就說明盧勝彥是多麼的可惡。多少年了,師母已忍無可忍!



鄭堯中:妳說有位M女士在西雅圖雷藏寺被幾個人打傷進了醫院. 因為M女士說了太多話。妳還有跟她來往嗎?

我沒有問M這盧勝彥搞女生的來龍去脈,還有她自己本身聽信盧勝彥多次問事神算的指示,不幸家破財散。聽信盧勝彥說她的老公不好,離婚了。還有標盧勝彥的龍袍和念珠,標了好幾萬,不見命運會變好 。

鄭堯中:據知,師母有請私家偵探跟縱盧勝彥,也應該掌握盧勝彥去一些女弟子的家的動向,盧勝彥應該不是全在密苑跟女生做愛。我以前讀妳的文章,會想 盧勝彥怎可能會在自家廟做? 因為這種事見不得光,我們還開玩笑說為何妳不編寫盧師尊戴鴨嘴帽,墨鏡,偷偷在motel約女生? 這樣的寫法可信度較高嘛! 為何老盧敢敢在雷藏寺做? 他不怕被人撞破?

鄭堯中:會不會有人裝spy camera 電眼偷拍?

鄭堯中:老盧的問事房很小,也好像有窗。妳說他很多時候,在問事房跟女生單獨相處。問事房外就有人,有上師守門。不信的人肯定會懷疑妳這點。老盧怎可能就地做也不怕人聽到,知道? 他不怕有女生喊強奸嗎?這盧勝彥在問事房除了坐下來跟您或其他女生談,還有什麼動作呢?
張秀霞:問事房是有個窗,每次我進去的時候,盧勝彥就會把門關上。他拾起地上的門楔,塞在門底下,再把窗帘關上,他說「他們不會進來的」。「他們」是指上師或法師?  我不敢多問。然后我們就做他想做的事情。 這当然是見不得光的事情,但誰都不敢講話!

張秀霞:沒有注意過,也沒有留意他享受不。如果在問事房,就是很快的,因為不能呆太久在房裡。早上在樓上的話, 是會久些。
1999年我去西雅圖,問事房裝上門鎖了,為什麼問事房要裝上門鎖?  盧勝彥膽子大了,他自己先躺在地上,吩咐我坐在他的旁邊,要我吻他,當時我推卻,因為我不敢沾污他 (聖潔的活佛),他說: 「來!」

張秀霞:是的, 我就是。

鄭堯中:也問得七七八八了。有些問題,一般人不敢問,也沒有幾個人敢回答,就是盧勝彥跟妳做愛的一些慣性動作細節。一般人讀到妳在文章敢講這些房 事,會覺得妳很敢,很大膽,就算不信的人駡妳是潑婦,也會暗暗佩服妳的膽量。文章提到口交,從後插入這些動作。他在開示時自誇懂很多性交招數。可以為我們 細說嗎?
張秀霞:他亂放屁! 盧勝彥只有專長獨孤一味, 就是后面一功。曾經有過一次我躺在地上, 他在上面,就是他給我枕頭睡的那一次,玉枕掉下來的那一次,他好像是控制不來,要漏精了,所以就不再有第二次前面功了。

張秀霞:我不知道, 沒有注意過。就是每當我進去問事房和樓上房間的時候他就馬上開工,我要問事的就沒當一回事,就是不說一句話的馬上用他的金剛杵(陽具)加持了。


鄭堯中: 恭請菩薩仙女就不算“馬上”做。 可以說一說是在樓上房會恭請菩薩仙女,問事房就沒有時間?
張秀霞:他不是每一次都恭請菩薩的,我想他是忘了吧!他都是先插入后, 一手扶著我,一手握拳放在他的額頭,才恭請菩薩仙女的。他到緊張的時候,也是一手握拳大力拼命撞打在他的額頭的。



鄭堯中: 妳說在問事房做是不出聲的。但老盧愛從後面攻,我們稱為狗式doggy style性交式,因為是從後插入下陰,會拍撞屁股, 聲量本來就不小,也很容易被人聽到,也能聽出在做什麼。是沒叫出聲,但如何控制這一種做愛聲量?

鄭堯中:老盧以即身成佛為名鼓吹雙身法,他公開承認精通雙身法。雙身法已被他漂白成“修行”。現在就算他承認有跟妳雙修,人家也不會把它當一回事。 但雙身法的成就,在于有漏無漏,而不是性行為。妳說過老盧是有漏的,而妳因此也得性病。相信老盧無漏的人都會相信老盧大談雙修的好處。 (
張秀霞:盧勝彥在與我雙身的時候,曾經兩次告訴我會懷孕,而且多次在性行為的時候感到水分很多,也曾一次水分滴在地上,他還對我說 "是你的"。 盧勝彥真的是漏了多次!

鄭堯中:"是你的" 是說什麼? 不太明白。
張秀霞:他说 "是你的"  意思是他否认漏精了,却推说是我秀霞流的水分 。

鄭堯中:原來是這樣。 對了,問一個可能會有人有興趣的問題。雷藏寺講妳虛構事實。 我倒想知道,妳打從1997-1999這兩年間,跟老盧一共性交了幾回? 一個大概的數目字就行了。

可否談談一些如老盧發脾氣,或其他等等完全不像“佛” 的事讓大家知道嗎? 我也是多靠他的書建立起一個對他的印象。透過妳的眼睛,談談老盧有那些動作妳是看在眼裡的?我相信不少人也看在眼裡,只是他們都不公開講。

***張秀霞不回答她沒親身看到體會的事,反而表露了她 「是就是,不是就不是」的一面。我個人是親身領教老盧對我的厭惡。他說自己是真佛我曾信到足。但後來我認識的老盧,卻讓我看到他的臭脾氣和非常自大的一 面,這離佛甚遠的身教,比寫了兩百多本美化自己的書還更直接。***

鄭堯中:說個題外話。我跟我太太當年還拿出我們當時所有的錢,就是約六七千美金,在2002年,我們還買了機票,兩個人飛到法屬玻裡尼西亞向風群島 大溪地找師尊,因為想念。我們花了十來天找遍四個大島,找不到盧師尊,卻遇到當地華僑,幫我們打聽。卻發現師尊入境記錄,只去一次,就是閉關前。 我們很驚訝也很失落。回到新加坡,我們不甘心,又另飛夏威夷九天,也是找不到。我們拿了一包人參頭要給師尊泡茶喝。笨笨的。當年這種心,可以感動天。今天 我跟我太太說,還好老盧不在。不然真的給我們找到,搞不好,要上我老婆,那時還不知他的人是這樣的,就真的完蛋了。
張秀霞:真替你捏一把汗!危險!您是說他逃了,也不是去大溪地隱居? 那他又騙人了。

鄭堯中: 老盧不想被妳找到,聲東擊西,表面閉關,實是躲在台灣。他有去過夏威夷短住,也有去韓國玩。
張秀霞:還欠萬多塊美金,我沒有能力去還了。我的丈夫在這十多年很少工作,因為語言不通。律師從來沒有追我還,只是寄來月結單罷了。這十多年都是用我這雙手過生活,沒有依靠任何人。孩子有自己的家庭,  我不會讓孩子為了這個壞人無辜的背上這冤枉債務!

鄭堯中:辛苦了。我也沒什麼錢,幫不上忙。也許登妳的email [] , 若有人想幫妳,可以直接聯絡妳吧。

鄭堯中:老盧公開談明妃要至少十八歲。我替那些真佛宗有女兒十七十八歲的父母擔心。老盧開了這道下流法門, 老盧的弟子,現在都夠腐敗了,以後藉雙修為名性侵眾多女生,這宗派肯定越來越淫亂。妳想跟這些有女兒的真佛弟子說些什麼話嗎?
張秀霞:所以為什麼我要報警控告盧勝彥,寫稿上網揭開這一切,赤赤裸裸真真實實的公開自己,這就是我要說的,醒悟吧!  一失足成千古恨!

寫到這裡,我的訪問也告一段落。老實說,讀了張秀霞的回應,事隔多年,我還是感到她的怨氣,也佩服她的敢說敢言。就正如網上一位Raymond 兄在真佛猴戲網(寫道:「 我堅信的是我不相信一個跟你非深仇大恨的女人會拿自己的貞節、丈夫、小孩、家庭幸福,以及全家將被人投以奇異目光,更可能受到生命威脅的大賭注,而去誣告 老盧強姦的張秀霞女士」。我跟張女士素不相識,也沒提供一分錢給她編這訪問稿。我訪問張秀霞完全是憑良心講話,動機就是揭發盧勝彥這個假佛,因為盧勝彥確 實是一個衣冠禽獸, 一個藉佛法來滿足色欲的淫僧。盧勝彥最近放話,叫弟子不能隨便聽信謠言,意思是說我等在造謠誹謗。他這樣講,更讓我堅信我離開他的決定是對的,因為他連說 瞎話都臉不改容,讓我佩服這個人渣的說謊功力。還不信的人,自求多福,因為下一位受害者,很可能就是你身邊認識的人。

Thursday, 30 August 2012

An Interview with SHC: A Victim of Sexual Abuse whose Courageous VoiceRoars

An Interview with SHC: A Victim of Sexual Abuse whose Courageous Voice Roars
By Cheng Yew Chung  [ 蓮生活佛盧勝彥的密密密網 ]

To many new initiates of True Buddha School, the name SHC or Siew Har Chong would not ring a bell. However, to those like myself who spent the last twenty to thirty years actively involved in True Buddha School, we will recall how Madam Chong had filed a lawsuit against Sheng-yen Lu in the year 2000, accusing Lu for alleged sexual misconduct. The lawsuit caused a stir and many newspapers reported the story. To avoid being summoned in court, Sheng-yen Lu escaped by announcing his retreat. When I first read SHC's article posted on, I could sense the truth in her words, but at the back of my mind I struggled with her so called revelation, always debating whether her story was the whole truth, half-truth or pure fabrication? It was tough for me to embrace her words.

At that time I found it hard to fathom that Living Buddha Liansheng, Sheng-yen Lu, a True Buddha to me, would commit such hideous acts of sexual abuse. I naturally felt that Madam Chong was slandering Lu. Lu also hinted that Madam Chong had secretly accepted money from other Buddhist organizations with the evil intention of defaming Lu. Like most students innocent of Lu's true behavior, we were really mad at Madam Chong's allegations.

I have been giving service of propagation through my True Buddha comics and my translation of Lu's books into English through the years. Yet, a rude awakening came upon me when a meeting between myself and Lu over one dinner in September 2010 let me see, first hand, how Lu was not the person he had claimed to be. He was rude, moody, petty, and angry. Later, when I found out through a trusted friend how Lu's ex-wife, Shimu Lu Lixiang, had privately disclosed that everything about the sexual allegations was true. Only then I realized these sexual offenses were not SHC’s fabrication, and actually involved many other women. It was a big cover up. When I reread Miss Chong's account of her sexual experience with Lu, and compared it with Lu's recent discourse on Twin Body practice, I instinctively knew that Miss Chong had once been Lu's consort.

I truly admire Madam Chong's courage to file a lawsuit against Lu, and felt that Lu's escape from USA in the name of retreat was a cowardly act. Lu was certainly no buddha as he always claims to be.

I started reading Lu’s books in 1976, took refuge with Lu in the late eighties, and officially left True Buddha School in August 2011. A year later, in August of 2012, I emailed Madam Chong and asked if she would grant me an interview. I received a quick reply that she would be happy to grant me one. Here’s the interview where she shall explain and describe to us in details what happened between herself and Sheng-yen Lu in the nineties.

Cheng: Madam Chong, I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for granting me this interview. I hope you don't mind I ask some pointed questions as I want this interview to be as informative and candid as it can be.
SHC: Thank you for the interview. For the past ten years I have received many letters of encouragement as well as mockery, but I always speak my mind. It’s really up to you to believe what you want to believe. I am not asking for anything in return. I only want everyone to learn the truth about Sheng-yen Lu, and not end up as foolish as me. Maybe your questions also echo some of the questions in people's minds. Go ahead and ask anything you wish.

Cheng: Are you residing in USA now?
SHC: Yes. In New York.

Cheng: Don’t mind I ask how old are you now? You said you have children. How many are there?
SHC: I am fifty-three. I have already revealed so much through my story, revealing my age is really no issue. I have two sons and one daughter, and they have gotten married. I have six grandchildren, and soon seven. Thanks for asking.

Cheng: Aren't you afraid that someone may harass or harm you?
SHC: Of course I am afraid. I am afraid of all the strange noises outside my house. At times I suffer from insomnia.

Cheng: Did anyone attempt to hack into your computer?
SHC: I received emails warning me not to slander their Master Lu, and these people had attempted to hack into the website to take it down. They also threatened to kill me.

Cheng: How did you survive in USA since 2000?
SHC: My first job in the States was working as a helper in a restaurant in Seattle. I bumped into some Lu's followers there. I can tell they recognized me, but we said nothing. I was fearful then. Later, I changed job and worked as a housekeeper with a hotel, and realized some of my coworkers were also Lu's followers. I was naturally afraid. Later I followed my boss to work as a home and office cleaner. My husband does not speak English, and remained unemployed. Later, we enrolled in a short course in patient care [conducted in Mandarin], and worked as caretakers for Chinese patients. However, there was the constant fear of bumping into Lu's followers in Seattle, and we decided to move to New York. In New York, while working as a cashier in a convenient store, I was apprehensive of meeting Lu's followers. Eventually, I decided to stay home and worked as a nanny for other families, and have been doing so for the past eleven years. I am taking care of my grandchildren now in between some nanny jobs.

Cheng: Have you thought of retuning to Malaysia?
SHC: Never cross my mind to return. I don't want to leave USA. I am waiting for another chance to file a new lawsuit against Lu. I also dare not return to Malaysia, as Lu has the most followers there. It’s very easy to get rid of a person in Malaysia.

Cheng: When you filed your case against Sheng-yen Lu, he escaped instead. How did you go through those days?
SHC: I was enrolled into the witness security program, and stayed in a temporary, secure holding area. I was filled with fear, and suffered great mental stress. My life, everything, was turned around, and the stress was unbearable… Sheng-yen Lu escaped. The law enforcement side eventually closed my case. The US attorney suggested that I get my own lawyer, and so I did. I let my lawyers do their job, and waited. They told me not to do anything.
Frankly, I didn't know how I could have survived those days. While in the temporary holding, I found myself in a strange environment with no Chinese, living with all female occupants of African American and white ethnic groups. Some young, some elderly, and some with children. My English was poor, and I preferred keeping to myself in a corner. Sometimes, when there was a group meeting, I would get an interpreter. I was constantly in fear and worry. My mind was filled with thoughts of my loved ones, intertwined with images of Sheng-yen Lu bombarding me, constantly reminding me of the hideous truth that hid behind his smile. My devotion of mind and soul had all vanished. The feeling of betrayal was beyond description, and cannot be put into words…How could I possibly face my loved ones?

Cheng: How long did you stay in the secret holding area under the witness security program?
SHC: I stayed for several months until Lu’s escape. The law enforcement officials decided not to press charges against Lu as he was no longer in USA, and thus posed no threat to me. So they let me leave.

Cheng: Are you saying that Lu actually escaped while you were still under protection?
SHC: Yes.

Cheng: You mentioned in your article that guns were kept in the Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple. Aren’t you afraid that someone may want to silent you someday?
SHC: It is easy to acquire guns in the States, and completely legal to own one. The late Fang Qing died because of a gun-shot wound inflicted on her neck, so I was naturally very cautious.

Cheng: Some have accused you for trying to raise money through your website by playing the sympathy card. What do you think of this comment?
SHC: No such thing. Never cross my mind to do so. In New York, I once met the chairman of the Malaysia Association of America (MAA), and he once thought of planning a protest in the streets of New York against True Buddha School and Sheng-yen Lu, but later felt that this might cause more trauma to me. My intention of pressing charges against Sheng-yen Lu was so that Lu can be arrested, so that Lu’s evil side would be exposed. Subsequently, the chairman suggested that I post my story online, so that everyone can learn about him just as well. It took me one year to pen my story, ‘True Exposition of True Evil Facts of the True Buddha School’s Founder Living Buddha Sheng-Yen Lu’.
I worked as a nanny during the day, and had time only at night to write my story. Whenever I could not sleep, and received more inspiration, I would wake up and continue writing.   Every sentence bears my tears. Trying to complete a cohesive sentence was challenging for me. I hope everyone can understand what I wrote.
Subsequently, there was an increase in readership, and they gave me many suggestions, including the hope that someone can help with the legal fees, so that I can continue to press charges against Sheng-yen Lu in the future. Taking that advice, I uploaded my legal fee statement on my website three years ago, but till date no one has come forward to help. But it really doesn’t matter now. I believe many are aware of the true face of Sheng-yen Lu, and I hope they would not be as ignorant as me. How foolish I was!

Cheng: As your children grew up, how did they react to this matter?
SHC: My children are aware of the matter, but I am unsure how much they really know. They never bring it up, like it never happened. Well, I am glad they still love me.

Cheng: What about your husband? How is he coping these days?
SHC: To him it’s been a thorn. He’s still with me, but there are times he will burst out and tell me how stupid I was, and his words cut like a knife. I had to swallow my pride, and kept to myself.

Cheng:  When did your husband first learn of your Twin Body practice with Sheng-yen Lu?
SHC: After I decided to file charges against Lu, I called my husband from the States and informed him.

Cheng: Was he so mad that he wanted to teach Lu a lesson?
SHC: You are asking about his initial reaction? I could not see his facial reaction over the phone. I was afraid and shameful at that time. I wasn’t sure how I related the story to him, but his voice seemed frozen, and he chided me for not informing him earlier of such grave matter. The rest I couldn’t recall. All I knew was he was really mad, but he said nothing of teaching Lu a lesson.

Cheng: How did your husband cope with the reality of the matter? You wrote that Sheng-yen Lu told him in his face about your bad conduct.
SHC: When my husband arrived in the States, he kept to himself for a long time. It was fortunate that the secretary of my lawyer was with him throughout the ordeal, and it was she who brought my husband to meet Sheng-yen Lu at the Rainbow Villa in Seattle. I was unaware of their meeting, until my husband returned and handed me a letter Lu passed to him. He only said this to me, ‘Why?’
I could not face him. I was ashamed of myself. I didn’t know how he coped with all the things that were happening around us, but it was only later that I found out through conversation with the lawyer’s secretary and also my husband that my husband said nothing throughout his meeting with Sheng-yen Lu, while Lu handed him a letter I wrote, whose content shocked my husband. Sheng-yen Lu had the cheek to lie to my husband, telling him what sort of a bitch I was. Lu’s words stabbed my husband’s heart, yet he was too tired to say anything despite his anger.  He knew instinctively this Sheng-yen Lu was really a bad ass.

Cheng: May I ask what was the letter about?
SHC: I wrote several letters to Lu. The one mentioned was a letter of gratitude that Sheng-yen Lu requested from me when I was preparing to return to Malaysia. The content of the letter included some words of gratitude and some sentences describing our relationship, which was subsequently blacked out.
I remembered once during a consultation, Sheng-yen Lu told me I was his wife in a previous lifetime, and wanted me to be his wife in our future lives. He wanted me to pen this commitment in a letter, and instructed me to pass the letter to him during mealtime. When Sheng-yen Lu walked out of the library [canteen is inside the library building], I handed him the letter, and this was witnessed by many. That was my first letter. No wonder Lu boasted he received many love letters from women, as he had secured them through his Casanova ways, and used these letters as his defense. Lu is really despicable!

***Frankly, I really admire the fact that Madam Chong has a husband who loves her so deeply, as I can’t imagine the mental stress he had to endure. Madam Chong had written about the things told to her husband by Lu, and how the facts were twisted. I wonder if any man could have remained by her side after all these. Madam Chong is fortunate to have a husband who stood by her.***

Cheng:  Can you ever let go of the hurt that Lu inflicted upon you?
SHC: I don’t know. It’s just that I don’t cry as often now. Yet, I can’t help it when I reply you today. I do dream of Lu sometimes, but I would say nothing to him in the dreams, and he would also avoid me. I would keep a safe distance between Lu and myself even in my dreams.

Cheng:  Many people don’t buy your story. First, they don’t know about you, and they suspect your motive in doing all these. Some even bought into the idea planted by Lu insinuating that you are a devil in disguise to create chaos in his teachings.
SHC: I have already spoken and written about my true account, and all I hope is that no one end up as superstitious and foolish as me, for the price is a lifetime of regret! There is nothing I can do about what people choose to believe.

Cheng: Lu insinuated that you have accepted money from other religious groups to cause damage to him, and claimed to be the victim instead. What is your view regarding this?
SHC: He can say what he likes. I can’t do a thing about what he wants to say. He answers to his karma. I am very clear what kind of an animal he is, so what is all the talk about compassion and Buddhahood?

Cheng: Do you think Lu’s successor, second patriarch Master Lian-ning has got something on Lu?
SHC: Maybe! Everyone who wants to meet Lu for consultation, and practically all letters to Lu must be vetted and arranged by Lian-ning, including the decision to close the door to the consultation room. So Lian-ning certainly knows many things about Lu.

Cheng: What kind of a person is he?
SHC: He is addicted to power, and often reprimands the monks and nuns in the temple. Perhaps this display of authority is necessary since he is the supervisor of the temple, but I am aware that no one likes him in the temple, and most would keep a distance from him.

Cheng:  I heard Lu has a disciple called Lotus Bao Er who had cheated many of their money. Sheng-yen Lu trusted this person. What’s your view regarding this?
SHC: This proves to me that Sheng-yen Lu has no supernatural powers as he so claims. The first photo posted on this webpage(  is Bao Er, who was spotted wearing shorts. She always wore shorts when she came to the temple. I have never seen her involved in any practice sessions, yet she was given the title of a senior instructor by Lu. It caused a stir, and many found it hard to accept.

Cheng: You said that you had contracted herpes simplex virus through Sheng-yen Lu. Someone wrote online why didn’t you sue Lu using your herpes medical report. Basically, they are suspicious of your motive. What is your view regarding this comment?
SHC: It never occurs to me that you can actually file a lawsuit with a herpes report. I had uploaded the report online to let everyone know that Sheng-yen Lu has herpes as well, and if he goes for herpes test, he would carry the same virus as I have, because I got it from him. My apologies. I speak my mind, and if there is anything unclear you can always ask.

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu recently wrote a six-part article “Escape 1-6” ( and they were published in his 222th book “Insight on Adversities”. What’s your comment on these articles?
SHC: These stories are disgusting and fabricated to divert attention away from the truth. Miss May Tay from Singapore told me how Master Lianyin had arranged for her to meet Sheng-yen Lu, and how Lu reacted when he first saw her. He closed the door of the consultation room, and as he told her to sit on the floor, he held her hands and spoke gently and affectionately to her…
Reverend Lianting told me the same thing happened to her, and I experienced that too! Sheng-yen Lu is nothing but a fraud who resorts to the same trick to seduce women, unlike what he claims that others are trying to seduce him. When he held my hands as we were sitting on the floor, I was at first afraid that somehow my mundane nature would taint his eminence, the holy supreme living Buddha. Yet I was equally surprised and happy that His Holiness would not forsake an ordinary woman like myself, and actually thought highly of me. How silly of me then!

Cheng: In his article “Escape-part 2”, he mentioned a woman who had attempted to sue the famous author Feng Feng (Peter Faun, 1931-2007), and likely the same woman who stayed in the Seattle’s temple and attempted to seduce Sheng-yen Lu. The article may hint at you as the woman involved. Is Lu talking about you?
SHC: I read his articles, and none appeared to fit my experience. I am unaware if he had written about me in other articles. But if he would dare to write truthfully about me, I would applaud his guts. He must answer to the negative karma of his fabrication. Good luck to him!

Cheng: In 2008, Attorney Huey-Fang Zhou(周慧芳律師) wrote an article “Speaking the Unspoken” which debunked the claims made by you. I met attorney Zhou and her husband several times, and I can tell you she is quite a sharp and capable career woman. I saw in her what I experienced then, that we were blinded by the misinformation released by the school. Had she spoken to Shimu and found out about the truth, she and her husband would disassociate themselves from the school.
SHC: Law is all Greek to me.  I only know that a crook should be arrested. The prosecutor told me I had a good case and he would arrange for a date to arrest Sheng-yen Lu. The law enforcement officials informed me they had filed for an arrest warrant against Lu, and they would act immediately once the warrant was approved and issued...
Why would the prosecutor file a warrant if he didn’t think there was truth in the case? Yet, when Lu escaped, the prosecutor said that the law enforcement officials decided not to prosecute Lu and the case would not subject to any further review by the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Washington. The reason given to me by the prosecutor’s superior was that my case would be dismissed since no forcible compulsion or violence was involved. The Washington State law does not intervene in the intimate relationship between religious leaders and their followers. The attorney’s superior added that Lu was a well-known personality, and they were mindful of the press.
I asked the prosecutor’s superior if other women were to press charges against Lu for sexual misconduct, what would they do?  The office maintained its stand, that they would not press charges against Sheng-yen Lu.
Is that what First Amendment is all about?
I posted a record of our meeting on my Even the Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney had expressed no doubt on my statements.

Cheng: I read the meeting summary, and basically you don’t have a case against Sheng-yen Lu. US laws will not intervene in the intimate relationship between religious leaders and their followers. You are no doubt a victim of Lu’s sweetheart scam, and in Taiwan he can be brought to court for molest or sexual abuse on moral grounds. In the States,  I believe even rape is involved in the temple, Sheng-yen Lu can produce the love letters you wrote him, and with the support of the temple, no one will come forward as witness, and its really your words against theirs. This interview may not give you the justice you had demanded from the US court,  but your courage in speaking up, thus allowing the world to examine your story, to rethink the truth of this matter, this is important. This is the facebook and iphone era. Maybe it is your destiny that you are the voice for this matter (other victims chose silence). Many will get to know you again, and will seriously rethink this incident, especially now that Sheng-yen Lu has publicly said that he is proficient in the art of Twin Body practice. It’s been tough on you.

Cheng: Attorney Zhou wrote that the layout of the True Buddha Quarter is no secret. What is your view on this?
SHC: If Reverend Biyan, who was in charge of tidying Lu’s office insisted that the diagram I drew, and the position of the naked female statue were all my fabrication, she would have seen her years of cultivation down the drain. Will Sheng-yen Lu guarantee your rebirth in the Mara[not Maha] Twin Lotus Ponds?
If the True Buddha Quarter was opened to outsiders, and the inner layout and arrangement were familiar to most disciples, can anyone tell me if he or she knows a smaller pillow made of jade pieces was placed inside Sheng-yen Lu’s pillow? The jade pillow fell out when Lu placed his pillow for me to rest upon. Do you think Sheng-yen Lu would reveal the hidden jade pillow during the open house to his private room?

Cheng: Attorney Zhou wrote that it would be impossible for you to enter the True Buddha Quarter given the function of the place. What is your comment on this?
SHC: Sheng-yen Lu instructed me to enter the True Buddha Quarter at 7.30am, as this is the time where most people would report to the temple and commit to group practice. The only exception is when a person is too sick to get out of bed. Actually if you are sick the more reason you need to go and pray for sooner recovery. I too need to sign in for practice.
May I ask if Attorney Zhou had gone through the record of signing in? When I was staying in the temple, there were days where I was absent from signing in. Perhaps once or twice, you could say that I was sick. Did you ever investigate further to see if someone can take leave every week, or the frequency of absence per week? Master Lian-ning was extremely strict with guests who did not follow the temple’s code of conduct, as they would not be granted stay.

[Attorney Zhou’s comment 1: Impossibility of SHC’s claim with regards to outer circumstances]
SHC: One morning, between 7.30 to 7.45am, a boy was seen playing a ball outside the house opposite of the True Buddha Quarter. Maybe you can ask if anyone had seen me enter the True Buddha Quarter?
That morning I was hesitant to enter the True Buddha Quarter because of the boy. Sheng-yen Lu called the female dormitory and at that time no one was around except me. I picked up the phone and it was Lu on the other end! I told him there was someone outside and he said don’t bother. Just come by! So I just hang my head low and walked towards the True Buddha Quarter, opened the door and entered. I wondered if the boy had seen me?

[Attorney Zhou’s comment 2: Impossibility of SHC’s claims with regards to time]
SHC: Sheng-yen Lu’s stealthy presence was mostly unknown. If his presence were known, then he would not have achieved his objective. Once in the morning after Lu had lost his temper the previous day, I happened to exit the female dormitory on my way to group practice, and Lu arrived. He waved to me to enter the car garage. Many monks and nuns witnessed this, including Master Lianjie, Monk Reverend Lianjing etc. In the afternoon, Master Lian-ning questioned me, and I told him I acted out of Lu’s instruction, and Master Lian-ning said nothing after that. Master Lian-ning, Master Lian-jie and Reverend Jian-jing were lying because they knew only too well Sheng-yen Lu did arrive at the True Buddha Quarter at 7 plus in the morning.

[Attorney Zhou’s comment 3: Impossibility of SHC’s claims with regards to the procedure in the temple]
SHC: Lian-ning is a lying machine, but Master Chang-zhi do you want to tell lies too? During a consultation session in July of 1997, Sheng-yen Lu instructed Lian-ning and Chang-zhi to exit the consultation room, closed the door, leaving me and Lu alone in the room. There were many disciples from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, including the nun Reverend Lian-zhong in the vicinity, and Reverend Lian-zhong evidently knew I was alone in the room with Lu. Miss Pan Biling from Malaysia was also present. They could see with their own eyes what happened.  I have personally witnessed these individuals who were left alone with Lu behind closed door. They are Master Jinxiang from Japan, Senior Instructor Cunlian, Cui Huafeng (Reverend Lian-zhong), Chen Jianling (Master Lian-ting), Yuxian, Ai Hua, Hanifa, Dharma Assistant Lu Xiaofeng, and May from Singapore who was a friend of Master Lian-yin.
When the singer Fang Qing and Lu didn’t engage in the Twin Body Practice, Lu voiced his desire to retreat (which he didn’t). When Bao Er ran away with the money she cheated, Lu also voiced his desire to retreat (which he didn’t). Finally when I wanted to press charges against him, he escaped in no time and finally entered into his so-called retreat (his escape from prosecution).

Cheng: Attorney Zhou wrote that in the year 2000, not only did SHC press charges against Lu for sexual misconduct, she also pressed charges against the temple for negligence of supervision, and claimed for compensation. The case against the temple spanned four years, and the trial court has dismissed on summary judgment the negligent supervision claim. Is that so?
SHC: Wrong! The lawyer had advised that I retract my charges, as we could not locate Sheng-yen Lu. After five years, the court shall close the case, and I would no longer be able to press charges against Lu. Please read my lawyer’s letter which I have uploaded at As long as I desire, I can still file a new lawsuit against Sheng-yen Lu. I hope Lu will not escape this round.

Cheng:  I reread your article and wondered why the law enforcement officials had delayed the warrant of arrest. Perhaps one would speculate on the relationship between Lu and the former governor of Washington. Moreover, year 2000 was election year, and thus, the election of a new governor. If your case came to light, it would remind people of the investigation over a donation made by the temple to the governor’s 1996 campaign committee. I felt that some may not want your case to affect the outcome of the election. Another possible scenario is that the law enforcement officials may not want to cross Sheng-yen Lu as they were aware of Lu’s relationship with the governor, his relationship with the local Chinese community, and his relationship with Taiwan.
Of course the possibility that your case may be dismissed is on the ground of consensus sex, as Lu can even prove that with your consent through your letter agreeing to become his consort would mean you have agreed to have sex with him on religious grounds, and Lu cannot be held on rape charges as you are a willing party. This is Lu’s craftiness.
However, it would be different in Taiwan, as Lu would likely be arrested on unethical conduct and tried in court later like the famous case of molest charges committed by Taichung’s Master Sheng-lun. Lu would have no chance of escape in Taiwan.
SHC: I agreed to engaging in Twin Body practice with Lu because I was led to believe I would die if I didn’t. I had no idea that Twin Body practice was actually sexual intercourse. I had seen the statues in yab-yum [sexual union of deities], and I was uneasy.
I thought that Lu was after all a monk, and a holy living Buddha. It never crossed my mind that he would really do it to me [sexual intercourse].
In Malaysia, the law is very strict over such matters.

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu, in his discourse, said that Twin Body or consort practice is really ‘helping’ the consorts spiritually. He also sent a message to his consorts that it is important to “ask for nothing in return when you come”, and “leave with no strings attached”. Since you have been ‘helped’ by Lu over several years, can you tell me what spiritual attainment have you gained in the process? Many believe in such spiritual claims and I worry that more girls would throw themselves at Lu to seek his so-called ‘help’.
SHC: Ever since 1993 when I first received Lu’s blessing on my head in Malaysia, I would seek his help continuously every year, making multiple trips to Hong Kong, Indonesia, and even the USA. Between 1997 and 1999 when he performed the Twin Body blessing on me, my sickness did not improve, let alone any cultivation or spiritual attainment. However, I did feel I was made a True Buddha’s consort, and despite the illness, I would endure the pain and follow the True Buddha’s footstep as I believed even if my life would end in 1999 as Lu had predicted, I would be reborn in the pureland. What nonsense!
Eventually, with the help of Miss Pan, I was led to a relatively unknown witch doctor (shaman) in Malaysia, who cured me of my illness in just one session! I really regretted in believing Lu’s power. So regretful! So regretful!

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu said, “A yogi can sexually handle three wives [consorts] a day, even four wives. If possible, he can have sex with five, six or up to seven wives per day. If a man does not learn the non-leakage practice, it is really his loss, and indeed, foolish not to do so.” What do you think of Lu’s recent discourses on Twin Body practice?
SHC: He apparently admitted his intimate and entangled relationship with women.

Cheng: What do you think of Lu’s wife Shimu Lu Lixiang?
SHC: I once told Shimu this, “It’s not easy being Shimu”. Shimu was quick to react and asked why I said that? I just said that Shimu had to manage every big and small matter within the school, and must tolerate so many things. In my heart, I was thinking she even had to put up with Lu’s womanizing. Honestly I really don’t know Shimu well, but I did feel some guilt in her presence.

Cheng: Are you aware that Sheng-yen Lu and Shimu have filed for divorce (in late 2011). Do you have any comments on this?
SHC: My readers have informed me on this matter. I feel that Lu should have arranged for a divorce prior to entering monkhood. This clearly shows that he has little respect of renunciation, and held no regards to keeping the pure precepts. Now that he is finally divorced, it is self evident that he has kept his marriage with Lu Lixiang even during his monkhood. Shimu knew only too well that Lu, like a leopard, will never change its spots, and when she discovered his infidelity [over and over again], she finally filed for divorce! Sheng-yen Lu is truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Cheng: Are you close to Xu Yaqi[famous Taiwan TV host, married, who is alleged to be Lu’s consort] What’s your view on her situation?
SHC: We were once good friends, but I don’t really know her well. I would bump into her on many occasions when I flew to Seattle, as she would stay in the Rainbow Villa for a long period, lasting several weeks to one or two months. I feel this is a private matter, and I won’t poke my nose into her affair.

Cheng: What’s your view regarding the quarrel between Lu and Shimu over Xu Yaqi?
SHC: It’s just a female’s natural reaction. So it’s only normal that Shimu quarrel with Lu. Now that they have fallen out over Lu’s affair, it says a lot about Lu’s deviousness. This womanizing has lasted many years. I believe her patience has worn out.

Cheng: Why do you think Xu’s husband seems unconcerned, and continue to publicly show his support for Sheng-yen Lu?
SHC: If Xu’s husband stops his support for Lu, he is as good as admitting the alleged affair between Xu and Lu is true, and he would lose face within his circle.

Cheng: Regarding the late Fang Qing. Do you learn of things that we don’t already know online?
SHC: I only have the booklet written by Fang Qing regarding her experience with Lu. I am unaware of anything beyond what is written.

Cheng: You mentioned in your article a certain Madam M was beaten by several people in the Seattle’s temple because she said too much and was later hospitalized. Are you still in touch with her?
SHC: I lost contact with her ever since I filed my charges against Lu.

Cheng: Why was she beaten?
SHC: Madam M knew about Sheng-yen Lu’s affairs with women, and Lu had warned her not to spill her nonsense. I never asked Madam M what she knew about Lu’s affairs. Madam M had earlier listened to Lu’s advise and ended up losing lots of money, as well as her marriage because she believed Lu’s negative comments regarding her husband during her consultation with him. She had also spent thousands on auctions of Lu’s dragon’s vest and prayer beads, none of which had improved her life.

Cheng: To my knowledge, Shimu did engage detectives to track Sheng-yen Lu’s whereabouts, and evidently knew where Lu went. I believe Sheng-yen Lu does not have sex solely within the temple’s ground. When I first read your article, like many, I thought to myself how ridiculous it was to suggest that Lu actually engaged in sexual intercourse with women in his own backyard. After all, such affairs should be conducted in secrecy. We even joked that why didn’t you describe Lu disguised with a hat and sunglasses and secretly met his girlfriends in a motel far from the temple. That would make your fabrication more believable. So why would Lu want to do it in his temple? Weren’t he afraid of being seen?
SHC: It is actually more convenient to have sexual intercourse inside the True Buddha Quarter. Whenever he wanted to bestow his blessings on the woman, he would immediately engage her in sex in the privacy of his room.

Cheng: Do you suspect someone had installed a spy camera somewhere?
SHC: Maybe Shimu has installed one, otherwise how was she so convinced that Sheng-yen Lu and I was really having sex?

Cheng: Lu’s consultation room is small, and there is also a window in the room.  You said that Lu would spend time with women in his consultation room behind closed door. There are always people outside the door, likely a master. Your detractors would definitely doubt your claims here, as it would be impossible not to notice any sexual act performed in the consultation room. And isn’t Lu afraid that someone could hear or know what he was doing? Isn’t he afraid that the girl may scream on the ground of rape? What else did Lu do besides sitting down on the floor with you or other women and chat?
SHC: There is a window in the consultation room, and whenever I went into the room, Lu would close the door, and blocked the door with a door wedge. He would then closed the window curtain, and said to me, “They wouldn’t dare enter.” The word ‘They’ perhaps referring to masters or reverends? I dare not ask. Then we would proceed to do what he wanted to do. Of course these things are secret for obvious reasons. Yet no one dares to say a word.

Cheng: While in the consultation room, whenever Lu had sex with you, was it quick in quick out for him or an enjoyment which he slowly savored?
SHC: I never really took note if he was enjoying the sex. It would usually be a quick intercourse in the consultation room, as I could not stay too long in the room. The sex would be longer in his room upstairs. Usually during a dharma ceremony or when there was a group visit to the temple, there would be two masters helping with the consultation. At times when only one or two persons were seeking consultation, Lian-ning would request Lu’s presence, and leave the room. And Lu would arrange that I’ll be the last to receive consultation, so nobody would be present.
In 1999, when I went to Seattle, I realized the consultation room had added a lock. Why would the consultation room install a lock? I believe Lu was getting bolder, and as he sat on the floor, and instructed me to sit beside him, he again kissed me, and despite my reluctance as he was after all a holy living Buddha which should always remain untainted in my mind, he told me, “Come!”

Cheng: Let me get this straight. You mean to say that when the door was previously unlocked, Sheng-yen Lu was already bold enough to have sex in the consultation room with women?
SHC: Yes. I was one of them.

Cheng: I guess I have asked quite a lot. Some questions, frankly, are sensitive and few would dare to ask, and even fewer would want to reply publicly. These questions surround the details of Lu’s sexual acts with you, such as his sexual positions. Most find you unthinkably brave to disclose such details in your article “My Story”, and even your detractors would think you have some guts even if they continue to call you a bitch. Your article mentioned you had engaged in oral sex and doggy sexual style with Sheng-yen Lu. In his public discourse he claimed to know many sexual positions, as many as sixty-four styles. Can you enlighten us with your account?
SHC: Lu is all bullshit. He only preferred the doggy style. However, there was once he was on top of me, and that was the incident where the jade pillow fell out when he positioned his pillow for me to rest my head. He seemed to have trouble managing his organism and had a pre-matured ejaculation. Thereafter all sexual intercourses were performed doggy style.

Cheng: Average duration per sex?
SHC: I don’t know. As said, I never took notice of the time for each session. All I knew was everytime I entered the consultation room or his room upstairs in the True Buddha Quarter, he would readily have sex with me. He would brush aside my need for consultation, said nothing, and proceeded immediately to bless me with his vajra[penis].

Cheng: What about foreplay?
SHC: We had no foreplay, unless you consider praying to his bodhisattvas and fairies as foreplay.

Cheng: If he did pray to his bodhisattvas and fairies, then the sex would not be ‘immediate’. Are you saying that he would spend time praying to the bodhisattvas before you have sex with him in the upper room, whereas in the consultation room on the ground floor it would be immediate without prayer due to a lack of time?
SHC: He didn’t pray to the bodhisattvas every time. I guess he must have forgotten to do so! There were times he prayed to the bodhisattvas and fairies after he penetrated me, as he would hold me with one hand, while forming a fist with the other hand and placed his fist on his forehead.  When he came to orgasm, he would keep hitting his forehead with his fist.

Cheng: You mentioned about engaging in oral sex with Lu in your article. Is this performed in every sexual intercourse with him?
SHC: We only had oral sex once.

Cheng: Aren’t you worried that the noise created during sex would be heard? After all, walls have ears!
SHC: We maintained silence in the consultation room when we had sex, but Lu would moan when we were having sex upstairs. He said no one was around, so we should not worry at all!

Cheng: You said you and Lu made no noise when you were having sex with him in the consultation room. But the fact that he used the doggy sexual style to penetrate from behind means that the copulation would inevitably produce a rhythmic sound of slapping, which can be loud and easily audible. People can deduce what is happening even if the couple remains silent. How did you possibly control this loudness?
SHC: I don’t really know. I was scared to death. But indeed there was this sound. Lu had previously slapped me on my back as a form of blessing. Perhaps this was his explanation to others, if they dare to ask!

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu is promoting Twin Body practice in the name of attaining Buddhahood within this lifetime. He openly admits that he is well versed in the art of consort practice, and that this practice is now laundered as an act of cultivation. Even if he admits to having sex with women like yourself, people would not think much of it except that you are cultivating Twin Body with the Master. Yet, the attainment of Twin Body hinges on the fact that one is able to control his ejaculation, and not judged on the sexual act itself. You mentioned that Lu often leaked, and you contracted herpes from him. Those who believe in Lu’s teachings would buy into the benefits of Twin Body practice. Can you elaborate on the frequency and severity of Lu’s seminal ejaculation?
SHC: When Sheng-yen Lu and I were having sex, he told me twice that I would likely get pregnant. And I realized he had many seminal ejaculations during our many sexual sessions. Once I noted he spilled his semen on the floor, yet Lu told me, “it’s yours”. Sheng-yen Lu had leaked too often!

Cheng: What exactly does he mean when he says “its yours”?
SHC: It means Lu was denying the fact that the semen was his ejaculation, but said they were my fluid instead.

Cheng: I see. Maybe there is a question in many people’s mind. The Seattle temple insisted that you are fabricating all this. But what I am interested to know is between the years from 1997 to 1999, can you let us know how many sexual sessions you had with Sheng-yen Lu? Just a figure will do.
SHC: No less than twenty times.

Cheng: Wow. I am speechless.
Can you also comment on his bad temper, or other out of character behavior that does not resemble a True Buddha? Like many, I build my faith in him through the impression given to me from his books. Yet, through your eyes, did you observe anything that you would like to share, as others who observe likewise would likely not talk about him in public.
SHC: This aspect is something beyond my direct knowledge and experience and I rather not comment on speculative ground. He is despicable and mean in my view, and I don’t want to draw him into my mind and probe his inner maliciousness.

*** The fact that Madam Chong refused to answer something which she did not experience first hand revealed to me a character who spoke directly and candidly about things she knew to be true by her own personal experience. I had personally experienced the disdain shown to me by Lu, whom I had believed to be a true Buddha. Yet, the Lu I later came to know was someone who is absolutely bad tempered and arrogant. This revelation by way of his example was more conclusive than the two hundred over books he wrote and painted about himself. In my view, he is far from being a true practitioner, let alone a Buddha.***

Cheng: Like to share something with you. I once spent all my life savings, about USD$7000, bought two air tickets and flew to Tahiti with my wife in search of Grandmaster Lu during his retreat.  We spent a good ten days tracking four islands in French Polynesia [Huahine, Raiatea, Moorea and Tahiti]. We didn’t locate him, but met a Chinese businessman who was curious about our search, and helped us check as he was well connected. He subsequently told us there was only one record of Lu’s visit to Tahiti, dated prior to Lu’s official retreat. That shocked us. We were undeterred, and decided upon return to Singapore that we continued to Hawaii to search for Lu, based on his descriptions, and tracked fruitlessly for nine days. We had foolishly wanted to offer Lu a bag of Ginseng head to make tea, as a way of giving support. Our single-pointedness of heart can move heavens. Yet today I told my wife, good thing we didn’t find Lu, as it is likely that he would want to take advantage of my wife, and since we have no idea what sort of a person he really is, we would literally be screwed!
SHC: Thank goodness! That was close! You mean he didn’t escape to Tahiti for his retreat? He lied again!

Cheng: Lu didn’t want you to locate him, so he played hide and seek. On the surface he was entering retreat, but in reality he was hiding in Taiwan. He was temporary staying in Oahu in Hawaii, and later visited Korea. I forgot to ask. How much money did you owe your lawyers? Did they come after you for payment? Are you able to pay them in full? Do you get financial help from others, like from your children?
SHC: I still owe my lawyers slightly over ten thousand US dollars. I don’t have the means to repay them. My husband is in and out of job over these ten years due to his poor English skills. My lawyers never chase me for payment. They just send me a monthly statement. I have relied upon myself to sustain my livelihood through the years. My children have their family and commitment, and I don’t want my children to bear the burden of the legal fee over this bad ass!

Cheng: It has been hard on you. I don’t have much money, and can’t be of any help. Maybe by publishing your email in this interview would help. If anyone wants to help you financially, they can contact you directly at
SHC: It’s OK. Thank you for your help. I only wish that those who are fixated at Lu’s falsehood will leave his devil’s claws one day!

Cheng:  Lu publicly said that all consorts must be at least 18 years old, and frankly I am worried about the parents in True Buddha School who have young daughters in this age group. Lu has opened a Pandora box when he openly endorsed this licentious practice, and knowing how degraded his inner circle disciples can be, many would sexually abuse the opposite sex in the name of cultivation. I can foresee how bad this can get. Do you have any advise for these parents in True Buddha School?
SHC: This is why I want to press charges against Sheng-yen Lu, and revealed my story online, exposing myself (no pun intended!) to the world about my story. This is what I want to say to you. Wake up! One spiritual slip brings perpetual grief.

With this, I conclude my interview with Madam Chong. Honestly, having read SHC’s reply, I could still feel her rage even after all these years since reading her first posting. I admire her courage to speak up, and as one reader Raymond wrote on this website, (, “I believe in Madam Chong solely on the ground that unless a woman really hates you, no woman in her right mind would gamble her chastity, her husband’s name, her children’s future, her family well being; forced to put up with the prejudice of men, and brave all possible threat to her life, only to falsely accuse Sheng-yen Lu of sexual abuse.”
I do not know Madam Chong personally, and I swear I never give her any monetary reward to collaborate with me on this interview. I speak with my conscience as I conduct this interview with Madam Chong, with the sole intention of exposing this self-proclaimed false Buddha called Sheng-yen Lu. Lu is indeed a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a lustful monk who sugar coats his Buddhist teachings to satisfy his sexual craving.

Sheng-yen Lu recently told his disciples not to believe in rumors about him, insinuating that we are fabricating lies to slander him. The fact that he said this further convinced me that my decision to leave him was a correct one. This scumbag is capable of lying through his teeth.
To those hardheaded disciples who remain skeptical and dismiss these accounts as fabrication, I wish you well, as you would certainly need all the luck you can get if the next sexual victim of Sheng-yen Lu happens to be someone you love and know.

An Interview with SHC: A Victim of Sexual Abuse whose Courageous Voice Roars

An Interview with SHC: A Victim of Sexual Abuse whose Courageous Voice Roars
By Cheng Yew Chung  [ 蓮生活佛盧勝彥的密密密網 ]

To many new initiates of True Buddha School, the name SHC or Siew Har Chong would not ring a bell. However, to those like myself who spent the last twenty to thirty years actively involved in True Buddha School, we will recall how Madam Chong had filed a lawsuit against Sheng-yen Lu in the year 2000, accusing Lu for alleged sexual misconduct. The lawsuit caused a stir and many newspapers reported the story. To avoid being summoned in court, Sheng-yen Lu escaped by announcing his retreat. When I first read SHC's article posted on, I could sense the truth in her words, but at the back of my mind I struggled with her so called revelation, always debating whether her story was the whole truth, half-truth or pure fabrication? It was tough for me to embrace her words.
At that time I found it hard to fathom that Living Buddha Liansheng, Sheng-yen Lu, a True Buddha to me, would commit such hideous acts of sexual abuse. I naturally felt that Madam Chong was slandering Lu. Lu also hinted that Madam Chong had secretly accepted money from other Buddhist organizations with the evil intention of defaming Lu. Like most students innocent of Lu's true behavior, we were really mad at Madam Chong's allegations.
I have been giving service of propagation through my True Buddha comics and my translation of Lu's books into English through the years. Yet, a rude awakening came upon me when a meeting between myself and Lu over one dinner in September 2010 let me see, first hand, how Lu was not the person he had claimed to be. He was rude, moody, petty, and angry. Later, when I found out through a trusted friend how Lu's ex-wife, Shimu Lu Lixiang, had privately disclosed that everything about the sexual allegations was true. Only then I realized these sexual offenses were not SHC’s fabrication, and actually involved many other women. It was a big cover up. When I reread Miss Chong's account of her sexual experience with Lu, and compared it with Lu's recent discourse on Twin Body practice, I instinctively knew that Miss Chong had once been Lu's consort.
I truly admire Madam Chong's courage to file a lawsuit against Lu, and felt that Lu's escape from USA in the name of retreat was a cowardly act. Lu was certainly no buddha as he always claims to be.
I started reading Lu’s books in 1976, took refuge with Lu in the late eighties, and officially left True Buddha School in August 2011. A year later, in August of 2012, I emailed Madam Chong and asked if she would grant me an interview. I received a quick reply that she would be happy to grant me one. Here’s the interview where she shall explain and describe to us in details what happened between herself and Sheng-yen Lu in the nineties.

Cheng: Madam Chong, I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for granting me this interview. I hope you don't mind I ask some pointed questions as I want this interview to be as informative and candid as it can be.
SHC: Thank you for the interview. For the past ten years I have received many letters of encouragement as well as mockery, but I always speak my mind. It’s really up to you to believe what you want to believe. I am not asking for anything in return. I only want everyone to learn the truth about Sheng-yen Lu, and not end up as foolish as me. Maybe your questions also echo some of the questions in people's minds. Go ahead and ask anything you wish.

Cheng: Are you residing in USA now?
SHC: Yes. In New York.

Cheng: Don’t mind I ask how old are you now? You said you have children. How many are there?
SHC: I am fifty-three. I have already revealed so much through my story, revealing my age is really no issue. I have two sons and one daughter, and they have gotten married. I have six grandchildren, and soon seven. Thanks for asking.

Cheng: Aren't you afraid that someone may harass or harm you?
SHC: Of course I am afraid. I am afraid of all the strange noises outside my house. At times I suffer from insomnia.

Cheng: Did anyone attempt to hack into your computer?
SHC: I received emails warning me not to slander their Master Lu, and these people had attempted to hack into the website to take it down. They also threatened to kill me.

Cheng: How did you survive in USA since 2000?
SHC: My first job in the States was working as a helper in a restaurant in Seattle. I bumped into some Lu's followers there. I can tell they recognized me, but we said nothing. I was fearful then. Later, I changed job and worked as a housekeeper with a hotel, and realized some of my coworkers were also Lu's followers. I was naturally afraid. Later I followed my boss to work as a home and office cleaner. My husband does not speak English, and remained unemployed. Later, we enrolled in a short course in patient care [conducted in Mandarin], and worked as caretakers for Chinese patients. However, there was the constant fear of bumping into Lu's followers in Seattle, and we decided to move to New York. In New York, while working as a cashier in a convenient store, I was apprehensive of meeting Lu's followers. Eventually, I decided to stay home and worked as a nanny for other families, and have been doing so for the past eleven years. I am taking care of my grandchildren now in between some nanny jobs.

Cheng: Have you thought of retuning to Malaysia?
SHC: Never cross my mind to return. I don't want to leave USA. I am waiting for another chance to file a new lawsuit against Lu. I also dare not return to Malaysia, as Lu has the most followers there. It’s very easy to get rid of a person in Malaysia.

Cheng: When you filed your case against Sheng-yen Lu, he escaped instead. How did you go through those days?
SHC: I was enrolled into the witness security program, and stayed in a temporary, secure holding area. I was filled with fear, and suffered great mental stress. My life, everything, was turned around, and the stress was unbearable… Sheng-yen Lu escaped. The law enforcement side eventually closed my case. The US attorney suggested that I get my own lawyer, and so I did. I let my lawyers do their job, and waited. They told me not to do anything.
Frankly, I didn't know how I could have survived those days. While in the temporary holding, I found myself in a strange environment with no Chinese, living with all female occupants of African American and white ethnic groups. Some young, some elderly, and some with children. My English was poor, and I preferred keeping to myself in a corner. Sometimes, when there was a group meeting, I would get an interpreter. I was constantly in fear and worry. My mind was filled with thoughts of my loved ones, intertwined with images of Sheng-yen Lu bombarding me, constantly reminding me of the hideous truth that hid behind his smile. My devotion of mind and soul had all vanished. The feeling of betrayal was beyond description, and cannot be put into words…How could I possibly face my loved ones?

Cheng: How long did you stay in the secret holding area under the witness security program?
SHC: I stayed for several months until Lu’s escape. The law enforcement officials decided not to press charges against Lu as he was no longer in USA, and thus posed no threat to me. So they let me leave.

Cheng: Are you saying that Lu actually escaped while you were still under protection?
SHC: Yes.

Cheng: You mentioned in your article that guns were kept in the Ling Shen Ching Tze Temple. Aren’t you afraid that someone may want to silent you someday?
SHC: It is easy to acquire guns in the States, and completely legal to own one. The late Fang Qing died because of a gun-shot wound inflicted on her neck, so I was naturally very cautious.

Cheng: Some have accused you for trying to raise money through your website by playing the sympathy card. What do you think of this comment?
SHC: No such thing. Never cross my mind to do so. In New York, I once met the chairman of the Malaysia Association of America (MAA), and he once thought of planning a protest in the streets of New York against True Buddha School and Sheng-yen Lu, but later felt that this might cause more trauma to me. My intention of pressing charges against Sheng-yen Lu was so that Lu can be arrested, so that Lu’s evil side would be exposed. Subsequently, the chairman suggested that I post my story online, so that everyone can learn about him just as well. It took me one year to pen my story, ‘True Exposition of True Evil Facts of the True Buddha School’s Founder Living Buddha Sheng-Yen Lu’.
I worked as a nanny during the day, and had time only at night to write my story. Whenever I could not sleep, and received more inspiration, I would wake up and continue writing.   Every sentence bears my tears. Trying to complete a cohesive sentence was challenging for me. I hope everyone can understand what I wrote.
Subsequently, there was an increase in readership, and they gave me many suggestions, including the hope that someone can help with the legal fees, so that I can continue to press charges against Sheng-yen Lu in the future. Taking that advice, I uploaded my legal fee statement on my website three years ago, but till date no one has come forward to help. But it really doesn’t matter now. I believe many are aware of the true face of Sheng-yen Lu, and I hope they would not be as ignorant as me. How foolish I was!

Cheng: As your children grew up, how did they react to this matter?
SHC: My children are aware of the matter, but I am unsure how much they really know. They never bring it up, like it never happened. Well, I am glad they still love me.

Cheng: What about your husband? How is he coping these days?
SHC: To him it’s been a thorn. He’s still with me, but there are times he will burst out and tell me how stupid I was, and his words cut like a knife. I had to swallow my pride, and kept to myself.

Cheng:  When did your husband first learn of your Twin Body practice with Sheng-yen Lu?
SHC: After I decided to file charges against Lu, I called my husband from the States and informed him.

Cheng: Was he so mad that he wanted to teach Lu a lesson?
SHC: You are asking about his initial reaction? I could not see his facial reaction over the phone. I was afraid and shameful at that time. I wasn’t sure how I related the story to him, but his voice seemed frozen, and he chided me for not informing him earlier of such grave matter. The rest I couldn’t recall. All I knew was he was really mad, but he said nothing of teaching Lu a lesson.

Cheng: How did your husband cope with the reality of the matter? You wrote that Sheng-yen Lu told him in his face about your bad conduct.
SHC: When my husband arrived in the States, he kept to himself for a long time. It was fortunate that the secretary of my lawyer was with him throughout the ordeal, and it was she who brought my husband to meet Sheng-yen Lu at the Rainbow Villa in Seattle. I was unaware of their meeting, until my husband returned and handed me a letter Lu passed to him. He only said this to me, ‘Why?’
I could not face him. I was ashamed of myself. I didn’t know how he coped with all the things that were happening around us, but it was only later that I found out through conversation with the lawyer’s secretary and also my husband that my husband said nothing throughout his meeting with Sheng-yen Lu, while Lu handed him a letter I wrote, whose content shocked my husband. Sheng-yen Lu had the cheek to lie to my husband, telling him what sort of a bitch I was. Lu’s words stabbed my husband’s heart, yet he was too tired to say anything despite his anger.  He knew instinctively this Sheng-yen Lu was really a bad ass.

Cheng: May I ask what was the letter about?
SHC: I wrote several letters to Lu. The one mentioned was a letter of gratitude that Sheng-yen Lu requested from me when I was preparing to return to Malaysia. The content of the letter included some words of gratitude and some sentences describing our relationship, which was subsequently blacked out.
I remembered once during a consultation, Sheng-yen Lu told me I was his wife in a previous lifetime, and wanted me to be his wife in our future lives. He wanted me to pen this commitment in a letter, and instructed me to pass the letter to him during mealtime. When Sheng-yen Lu walked out of the library [canteen is inside the library building], I handed him the letter, and this was witnessed by many. That was my first letter. No wonder Lu boasted he received many love letters from women, as he had secured them through his Casanova ways, and used these letters as his defense. Lu is really despicable!

***Frankly, I really admire the fact that Madam Chong has a husband who loves her so deeply, as I can’t imagine the mental stress he had to endure. Madam Chong had written about the things told to her husband by Lu, and how the facts were twisted. I wonder if any man could have remained by her side after all these. Madam Chong is fortunate to have a husband who stood by her.***

Cheng:  Can you ever let go of the hurt that Lu inflicted upon you?
SHC: I don’t know. It’s just that I don’t cry as often now. Yet, I can’t help it when I reply you today. I do dream of Lu sometimes, but I would say nothing to him in the dreams, and he would also avoid me. I would keep a safe distance between Lu and myself even in my dreams.

Cheng:  Many people don’t buy your story. First, they don’t know about you, and they suspect your motive in doing all these. Some even bought into the idea planted by Lu insinuating that you are a devil in disguise to create chaos in his teachings.
SHC: I have already spoken and written about my true account, and all I hope is that no one end up as superstitious and foolish as me, for the price is a lifetime of regret! There is nothing I can do about what people choose to believe.

Cheng: Lu insinuated that you have accepted money from other religious groups to cause damage to him, and claimed to be the victim instead. What is your view regarding this?
SHC: He can say what he likes. I can’t do a thing about what he wants to say. He answers to his karma. I am very clear what kind of an animal he is, so what is all the talk about compassion and Buddhahood?

Cheng: Do you think Lu’s successor, second patriarch Master Lian-ning has got something on Lu?
SHC: Maybe! Everyone who wants to meet Lu for consultation, and practically all letters to Lu must be vetted and arranged by Lian-ning, including the decision to close the door to the consultation room. So Lian-ning certainly knows many things about Lu.

Cheng: What kind of a person is he?
SHC: He is addicted to power, and often reprimands the monks and nuns in the temple. Perhaps this display of authority is necessary since he is the supervisor of the temple, but I am aware that no one likes him in the temple, and most would keep a distance from him.

Cheng:  I heard Lu has a disciple called Lotus Bao Er who had cheated many of their money. Sheng-yen Lu trusted this person. What’s your view regarding this?
SHC: This proves to me that Sheng-yen Lu has no supernatural powers as he so claims. The first photo posted on this webpage(  is Bao Er, who was spotted wearing shorts. She always wore shorts when she came to the temple. I have never seen her involved in any practice sessions, yet she was given the title of a senior instructor by Lu. It caused a stir, and many found it hard to accept.

Cheng: You said that you had contracted herpes simplex virus through Sheng-yen Lu. Someone wrote online why didn’t you sue Lu using your herpes medical report. Basically, they are suspicious of your motive. What is your view regarding this comment?
SHC: It never occurs to me that you can actually file a lawsuit with a herpes report. I had uploaded the report online to let everyone know that Sheng-yen Lu has herpes as well, and if he goes for herpes test, he would carry the same virus as I have, because I got it from him. My apologies. I speak my mind, and if there is anything unclear you can always ask.

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu recently wrote a six-part article “Escape 1-6” ( and they were published in his 222th book “Insight on Adversities”. What’s your comment on these articles?
SHC: These stories are disgusting and fabricated to divert attention away from the truth. Miss May Tay from Singapore told me how Master Lianyin had arranged for her to meet Sheng-yen Lu, and how Lu reacted when he first saw her. He closed the door of the consultation room, and as he told her to sit on the floor, he held her hands and spoke gently and affectionately to her…
Reverend Lianting told me the same thing happened to her, and I experienced that too! Sheng-yen Lu is nothing but a fraud who resorts to the same trick to seduce women, unlike what he claims that others are trying to seduce him. When he held my hands as we were sitting on the floor, I was at first afraid that somehow my mundane nature would taint his eminence, the holy supreme living Buddha. Yet I was equally surprised and happy that His Holiness would not forsake an ordinary woman like myself, and actually thought highly of me. How silly of me then!

Cheng: In his article “Escape-part 2”, he mentioned a woman who had attempted to sue the famous author Feng Feng (Peter Faun, 1931-2007), and likely the same woman who stayed in the Seattle’s temple and attempted to seduce Sheng-yen Lu. The article may hint at you as the woman involved. Is Lu talking about you?
SHC: I read his articles, and none appeared to fit my experience. I am unaware if he had written about me in other articles. But if he would dare to write truthfully about me, I would applaud his guts. He must answer to the negative karma of his fabrication. Good luck to him!

Cheng: In 2008, Attorney Huey-Fang Zhou(周慧芳律師) wrote an article “Speaking the Unspoken” which debunked the claims made by you. I met attorney Zhou and her husband several times, and I can tell you she is quite a sharp and capable career woman. I saw in her what I experienced then, that we were blinded by the misinformation released by the school. Had she spoken to Shimu and found out about the truth, she and her husband would disassociate themselves from the school.
SHC: Law is all Greek to me.  I only know that a crook should be arrested. The prosecutor told me I had a good case and he would arrange for a date to arrest Sheng-yen Lu. The law enforcement officials informed me they had filed for an arrest warrant against Lu, and they would act immediately once the warrant was approved and issued...
Why would the prosecutor file a warrant if he didn’t think there was truth in the case? Yet, when Lu escaped, the prosecutor said that the law enforcement officials decided not to prosecute Lu and the case would not subject to any further review by the Office of the Attorney General for the State of Washington. The reason given to me by the prosecutor’s superior was that my case would be dismissed since no forcible compulsion or violence was involved. The Washington State law does not intervene in the intimate relationship between religious leaders and their followers. The attorney’s superior added that Lu was a well-known personality, and they were mindful of the press.
I asked the prosecutor’s superior if other women were to press charges against Lu for sexual misconduct, what would they do?  The office maintained its stand, that they would not press charges against Sheng-yen Lu.
Is that what First Amendment is all about?
I posted a record of our meeting on my Even the Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney had expressed no doubt on my statements.

Cheng: I read the meeting summary, and basically you don’t have a case against Sheng-yen Lu. US laws will not intervene in the intimate relationship between religious leaders and their followers. You are no doubt a victim of Lu’s sweetheart scam, and in Taiwan he can be brought to court for molest or sexual abuse on moral grounds. In the States,  I believe even rape is involved in the temple, Sheng-yen Lu can produce the love letters you wrote him, and with the support of the temple, no one will come forward as witness, and its really your words against theirs. This interview may not give you the justice you had demanded from the US court,  but your courage in speaking up, thus allowing the world to examine your story, to rethink the truth of this matter, this is important. This is the facebook and iphone era. Maybe it is your destiny that you are the voice for this matter (other victims chose silence). Many will get to know you again, and will seriously rethink this incident, especially now that Sheng-yen Lu has publicly said that he is proficient in the art of Twin Body practice. It’s been tough on you.

Cheng: Attorney Zhou wrote that the layout of the True Buddha Quarter is no secret. What is your view on this?
SHC: If Reverend Biyan, who was in charge of tidying Lu’s office insisted that the diagram I drew, and the position of the naked female statue were all my fabrication, she would have seen her years of cultivation down the drain. Will Sheng-yen Lu guarantee your rebirth in the Mara[not Maha] Twin Lotus Ponds?
If the True Buddha Quarter was opened to outsiders, and the inner layout and arrangement were familiar to most disciples, can anyone tell me if he or she knows a smaller pillow made of jade pieces was placed inside Sheng-yen Lu’s pillow? The jade pillow fell out when Lu placed his pillow for me to rest upon. Do you think Sheng-yen Lu would reveal the hidden jade pillow during the open house to his private room?

Cheng: Attorney Zhou wrote that it would be impossible for you to enter the True Buddha Quarter given the function of the place. What is your comment on this?
SHC: Sheng-yen Lu instructed me to enter the True Buddha Quarter at 7.30am, as this is the time where most people would report to the temple and commit to group practice. The only exception is when a person is too sick to get out of bed. Actually if you are sick the more reason you need to go and pray for sooner recovery. I too need to sign in for practice.
May I ask if Attorney Zhou had gone through the record of signing in? When I was staying in the temple, there were days where I was absent from signing in. Perhaps once or twice, you could say that I was sick. Did you ever investigate further to see if someone can take leave every week, or the frequency of absence per week? Master Lian-ning was extremely strict with guests who did not follow the temple’s code of conduct, as they would not be granted stay.

[Attorney Zhou’s comment 1: Impossibility of SHC’s claim with regards to outer circumstances]
SHC: One morning, between 7.30 to 7.45am, a boy was seen playing a ball outside the house opposite of the True Buddha Quarter. Maybe you can ask if anyone had seen me enter the True Buddha Quarter?
That morning I was hesitant to enter the True Buddha Quarter because of the boy. Sheng-yen Lu called the female dormitory and at that time no one was around except me. I picked up the phone and it was Lu on the other end! I told him there was someone outside and he said don’t bother. Just come by! So I just hang my head low and walked towards the True Buddha Quarter, opened the door and entered. I wondered if the boy had seen me?

[Attorney Zhou’s comment 2: Impossibility of SHC’s claims with regards to time]
SHC: Sheng-yen Lu’s stealthy presence was mostly unknown. If his presence were known, then he would not have achieved his objective. Once in the morning after Lu had lost his temper the previous day, I happened to exit the female dormitory on my way to group practice, and Lu arrived. He waved to me to enter the car garage. Many monks and nuns witnessed this, including Master Lianjie, Monk Reverend Lianjing etc. In the afternoon, Master Lian-ning questioned me, and I told him I acted out of Lu’s instruction, and Master Lian-ning said nothing after that. Master Lian-ning, Master Lian-jie and Reverend Jian-jing were lying because they knew only too well Sheng-yen Lu did arrive at the True Buddha Quarter at 7 plus in the morning.

[Attorney Zhou’s comment 3: Impossibility of SHC’s claims with regards to the procedure in the temple]
SHC: Lian-ning is a lying machine, but Master Chang-zhi do you want to tell lies too? During a consultation session in July of 1997, Sheng-yen Lu instructed Lian-ning and Chang-zhi to exit the consultation room, closed the door, leaving me and Lu alone in the room. There were many disciples from Kaohsiung, Taiwan, including the nun Reverend Lian-zhong in the vicinity, and Reverend Lian-zhong evidently knew I was alone in the room with Lu. Miss Pan Biling from Malaysia was also present. They could see with their own eyes what happened.  I have personally witnessed these individuals who were left alone with Lu behind closed door. They are Master Jinxiang from Japan, Senior Instructor Cunlian, Cui Huafeng (Reverend Lian-zhong), Chen Jianling (Master Lian-ting), Yuxian, Ai Hua, Hanifa, Dharma Assistant Lu Xiaofeng, and May from Singapore who was a friend of Master Lian-yin.
When the singer Fang Qing and Lu didn’t engage in the Twin Body Practice, Lu voiced his desire to retreat (which he didn’t). When Bao Er ran away with the money she cheated, Lu also voiced his desire to retreat (which he didn’t). Finally when I wanted to press charges against him, he escaped in no time and finally entered into his so-called retreat (his escape from prosecution).

Cheng: Attorney Zhou wrote that in the year 2000, not only did SHC press charges against Lu for sexual misconduct, she also pressed charges against the temple for negligence of supervision, and claimed for compensation. The case against the temple spanned four years, and the trial court has dismissed on summary judgment the negligent supervision claim. Is that so?
SHC: Wrong! The lawyer had advised that I retract my charges, as we could not locate Sheng-yen Lu. After five years, the court shall close the case, and I would no longer be able to press charges against Lu. Please read my lawyer’s letter which I have uploaded at As long as I desire, I can still file a new lawsuit against Sheng-yen Lu. I hope Lu will not escape this round.

Cheng:  I reread your article and wondered why the law enforcement officials had delayed the warrant of arrest. Perhaps one would speculate on the relationship between Lu and the former governor of Washington. Moreover, year 2000 was election year, and thus, the election of a new governor. If your case came to light, it would remind people of the investigation over a donation made by the temple to the governor’s 1996 campaign committee. I felt that some may not want your case to affect the outcome of the election. Another possible scenario is that the law enforcement officials may not want to cross Sheng-yen Lu as they were aware of Lu’s relationship with the governor, his relationship with the local Chinese community, and his relationship with Taiwan.
Of course the possibility that your case may be dismissed is on the ground of consensus sex, as Lu can even prove that with your consent through your letter agreeing to become his consort would mean you have agreed to have sex with him on religious grounds, and Lu cannot be held on rape charges as you are a willing party. This is Lu’s craftiness.
However, it would be different in Taiwan, as Lu would likely be arrested on unethical conduct and tried in court later like the famous case of molest charges committed by Taichung’s Master Sheng-lun. Lu would have no chance of escape in Taiwan.
SHC: I agreed to engaging in Twin Body practice with Lu because I was led to believe I would die if I didn’t. I had no idea that Twin Body practice was actually sexual intercourse. I had seen the statues in yab-yum [sexual union of deities], and I was uneasy.
I thought that Lu was after all a monk, and a holy living Buddha. It never crossed my mind that he would really do it to me [sexual intercourse].
In Malaysia, the law is very strict over such matters.

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu, in his discourse, said that Twin Body or consort practice is really ‘helping’ the consorts spiritually. He also sent a message to his consorts that it is important to “ask for nothing in return when you come”, and “leave with no strings attached”. Since you have been ‘helped’ by Lu over several years, can you tell me what spiritual attainment have you gained in the process? Many believe in such spiritual claims and I worry that more girls would throw themselves at Lu to seek his so-called ‘help’.
SHC: Ever since 1993 when I first received Lu’s blessing on my head in Malaysia, I would seek his help continuously every year, making multiple trips to Hong Kong, Indonesia, and even the USA. Between 1997 and 1999 when he performed the Twin Body blessing on me, my sickness did not improve, let alone any cultivation or spiritual attainment. However, I did feel I was made a True Buddha’s consort, and despite the illness, I would endure the pain and follow the True Buddha’s footstep as I believed even if my life would end in 1999 as Lu had predicted, I would be reborn in the pureland. What nonsense!
Eventually, with the help of Miss Pan, I was led to a relatively unknown witch doctor (shaman) in Malaysia, who cured me of my illness in just one session! I really regretted in believing Lu’s power. So regretful! So regretful!

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu said, “A yogi can sexually handle three wives [consorts] a day, even four wives. If possible, he can have sex with five, six or up to seven wives per day. If a man does not learn the non-leakage practice, it is really his loss, and indeed, foolish not to do so.” What do you think of Lu’s recent discourses on Twin Body practice?
SHC: He apparently admitted his intimate and entangled relationship with women.

Cheng: What do you think of Lu’s wife Shimu Lu Lixiang?
SHC: I once told Shimu this, “It’s not easy being Shimu”. Shimu was quick to react and asked why I said that? I just said that Shimu had to manage every big and small matter within the school, and must tolerate so many things. In my heart, I was thinking she even had to put up with Lu’s womanizing. Honestly I really don’t know Shimu well, but I did feel some guilt in her presence.

Cheng: Are you aware that Sheng-yen Lu and Shimu have filed for divorce (in late 2011). Do you have any comments on this?
SHC: My readers have informed me on this matter. I feel that Lu should have arranged for a divorce prior to entering monkhood. This clearly shows that he has little respect of renunciation, and held no regards to keeping the pure precepts. Now that he is finally divorced, it is self evident that he has kept his marriage with Lu Lixiang even during his monkhood. Shimu knew only too well that Lu, like a leopard, will never change its spots, and when she discovered his infidelity [over and over again], she finally filed for divorce! Sheng-yen Lu is truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing!

Cheng: Are you close to Xu Yaqi[famous Taiwan TV host, married, who is alleged to be Lu’s consort] What’s your view on her situation?
SHC: We were once good friends, but I don’t really know her well. I would bump into her on many occasions when I flew to Seattle, as she would stay in the Rainbow Villa for a long period, lasting several weeks to one or two months. I feel this is a private matter, and I won’t poke my nose into her affair.

Cheng: What’s your view regarding the quarrel between Lu and Shimu over Xu Yaqi?
SHC: It’s just a female’s natural reaction. So it’s only normal that Shimu quarrel with Lu. Now that they have fallen out over Lu’s affair, it says a lot about Lu’s deviousness. This womanizing has lasted many years. I believe her patience has worn out.

Cheng: Why do you think Xu’s husband seems unconcerned, and continue to publicly show his support for Sheng-yen Lu?
SHC: If Xu’s husband stops his support for Lu, he is as good as admitting the alleged affair between Xu and Lu is true, and he would lose face within his circle.

Cheng: Regarding the late Fang Qing. Do you learn of things that we don’t already know online?
SHC: I only have the booklet written by Fang Qing regarding her experience with Lu. I am unaware of anything beyond what is written.

Cheng: You mentioned in your article a certain Madam M was beaten by several people in the Seattle’s temple because she said too much and was later hospitalized. Are you still in touch with her?
SHC: I lost contact with her ever since I filed my charges against Lu.

Cheng: Why was she beaten?
SHC: Madam M knew about Sheng-yen Lu’s affairs with women, and Lu had warned her not to spill her nonsense. I never asked Madam M what she knew about Lu’s affairs. Madam M had earlier listened to Lu’s advise and ended up losing lots of money, as well as her marriage because she believed Lu’s negative comments regarding her husband during her consultation with him. She had also spent thousands on auctions of Lu’s dragon’s vest and prayer beads, none of which had improved her life.

Cheng: To my knowledge, Shimu did engage detectives to track Sheng-yen Lu’s whereabouts, and evidently knew where Lu went. I believe Sheng-yen Lu does not have sex solely within the temple’s ground. When I first read your article, like many, I thought to myself how ridiculous it was to suggest that Lu actually engaged in sexual intercourse with women in his own backyard. After all, such affairs should be conducted in secrecy. We even joked that why didn’t you describe Lu disguised with a hat and sunglasses and secretly met his girlfriends in a motel far from the temple. That would make your fabrication more believable. So why would Lu want to do it in his temple? Weren’t he afraid of being seen?
SHC: It is actually more convenient to have sexual intercourse inside the True Buddha Quarter. Whenever he wanted to bestow his blessings on the woman, he would immediately engage her in sex in the privacy of his room.

Cheng: Do you suspect someone had installed a spy camera somewhere?
SHC: Maybe Shimu has installed one, otherwise how was she so convinced that Sheng-yen Lu and I was really having sex?

Cheng: Lu’s consultation room is small, and there is also a window in the room.  You said that Lu would spend time with women in his consultation room behind closed door. There are always people outside the door, likely a master. Your detractors would definitely doubt your claims here, as it would be impossible not to notice any sexual act performed in the consultation room. And isn’t Lu afraid that someone could hear or know what he was doing? Isn’t he afraid that the girl may scream on the ground of rape? What else did Lu do besides sitting down on the floor with you or other women and chat?
SHC: There is a window in the consultation room, and whenever I went into the room, Lu would close the door, and blocked the door with a door wedge. He would then closed the window curtain, and said to me, “They wouldn’t dare enter.” The word ‘They’ perhaps referring to masters or reverends? I dare not ask. Then we would proceed to do what he wanted to do. Of course these things are secret for obvious reasons. Yet no one dares to say a word.

Cheng: While in the consultation room, whenever Lu had sex with you, was it quick in quick out for him or an enjoyment which he slowly savored?
SHC: I never really took note if he was enjoying the sex. It would usually be a quick intercourse in the consultation room, as I could not stay too long in the room. The sex would be longer in his room upstairs. Usually during a dharma ceremony or when there was a group visit to the temple, there would be two masters helping with the consultation. At times when only one or two persons were seeking consultation, Lian-ning would request Lu’s presence, and leave the room. And Lu would arrange that I’ll be the last to receive consultation, so nobody would be present.
In 1999, when I went to Seattle, I realized the consultation room had added a lock. Why would the consultation room install a lock? I believe Lu was getting bolder, and as he sat on the floor, and instructed me to sit beside him, he again kissed me, and despite my reluctance as he was after all a holy living Buddha which should always remain untainted in my mind, he told me, “Come!”

Cheng: Let me get this straight. You mean to say that when the door was previously unlocked, Sheng-yen Lu was already bold enough to have sex in the consultation room with women?
SHC: Yes. I was one of them.

Cheng: I guess I have asked quite a lot. Some questions, frankly, are sensitive and few would dare to ask, and even fewer would want to reply publicly. These questions surround the details of Lu’s sexual acts with you, such as his sexual positions. Most find you unthinkably brave to disclose such details in your article “My Story”, and even your detractors would think you have some guts even if they continue to call you a bitch. Your article mentioned you had engaged in oral sex and doggy sexual style with Sheng-yen Lu. In his public discourse he claimed to know many sexual positions, as many as sixty-four styles. Can you enlighten us with your account?
SHC: Lu is all bullshit. He only preferred the doggy style. However, there was once he was on top of me, and that was the incident where the jade pillow fell out when he positioned his pillow for me to rest my head. He seemed to have trouble managing his organism and had a pre-matured ejaculation. Thereafter all sexual intercourses were performed doggy style.

Cheng: Average duration per sex?
SHC: I don’t know. As said, I never took notice of the time for each session. All I knew was everytime I entered the consultation room or his room upstairs in the True Buddha Quarter, he would readily have sex with me. He would brush aside my need for consultation, said nothing, and proceeded immediately to bless me with his vajra[penis].

Cheng: What about foreplay?
SHC: We had no foreplay, unless you consider praying to his bodhisattvas and fairies as foreplay.

Cheng: If he did pray to his bodhisattvas and fairies, then the sex would not be ‘immediate’. Are you saying that he would spend time praying to the bodhisattvas before you have sex with him in the upper room, whereas in the consultation room on the ground floor it would be immediate without prayer due to a lack of time?
SHC: He didn’t pray to the bodhisattvas every time. I guess he must have forgotten to do so! There were times he prayed to the bodhisattvas and fairies after he penetrated me, as he would hold me with one hand, while forming a fist with the other hand and placed his fist on his forehead.  When he came to orgasm, he would keep hitting his forehead with his fist.

Cheng: You mentioned about engaging in oral sex with Lu in your article. Is this performed in every sexual intercourse with him?
SHC: We only had oral sex once.

Cheng: Aren’t you worried that the noise created during sex would be heard? After all, walls have ears!
SHC: We maintained silence in the consultation room when we had sex, but Lu would moan when we were having sex upstairs. He said no one was around, so we should not worry at all!

Cheng: You said you and Lu made no noise when you were having sex with him in the consultation room. But the fact that he used the doggy sexual style to penetrate from behind means that the copulation would inevitably produce a rhythmic sound of slapping, which can be loud and easily audible. People can deduce what is happening even if the couple remains silent. How did you possibly control this loudness?
SHC: I don’t really know. I was scared to death. But indeed there was this sound. Lu had previously slapped me on my back as a form of blessing. Perhaps this was his explanation to others, if they dare to ask!

Cheng: Sheng-yen Lu is promoting Twin Body practice in the name of attaining Buddhahood within this lifetime. He openly admits that he is well versed in the art of consort practice, and that this practice is now laundered as an act of cultivation. Even if he admits to having sex with women like yourself, people would not think much of it except that you are cultivating Twin Body with the Master. Yet, the attainment of Twin Body hinges on the fact that one is able to control his ejaculation, and not judged on the sexual act itself. You mentioned that Lu often leaked, and you contracted herpes from him. Those who believe in Lu’s teachings would buy into the benefits of Twin Body practice. Can you elaborate on the frequency and severity of Lu’s seminal ejaculation?
SHC: When Sheng-yen Lu and I were having sex, he told me twice that I would likely get pregnant. And I realized he had many seminal ejaculations during our many sexual sessions. Once I noted he spilled his semen on the floor, yet Lu told me, “it’s yours”. Sheng-yen Lu had leaked too often!

Cheng: What exactly does he mean when he says “its yours”?
SHC: It means Lu was denying the fact that the semen was his ejaculation, but said they were my fluid instead.

Cheng: I see. Maybe there is a question in many people’s mind. The Seattle temple insisted that you are fabricating all this. But what I am interested to know is between the years from 1997 to 1999, can you let us know how many sexual sessions you had with Sheng-yen Lu? Just a figure will do.
SHC: No less than twenty times.

Cheng: Wow. I am speechless.
Can you also comment on his bad temper, or other out of character behavior that does not resemble a True Buddha? Like many, I build my faith in him through the impression given to me from his books. Yet, through your eyes, did you observe anything that you would like to share, as others who observe likewise would likely not talk about him in public.
SHC: This aspect is something beyond my direct knowledge and experience and I rather not comment on speculative ground. He is despicable and mean in my view, and I don’t want to draw him into my mind and probe his inner maliciousness.

*** The fact that Madam Chong refused to answer something which she did not experience first hand revealed to me a character who spoke directly and candidly about things she knew to be true by her own personal experience. I had personally experienced the disdain shown to me by Lu, whom I had believed to be a true Buddha. Yet, the Lu I later came to know was someone who is absolutely bad tempered and arrogant. This revelation by way of his example was more conclusive than the two hundred over books he wrote and painted about himself. In my view, he is far from being a true practitioner, let alone a Buddha.***

Cheng: Like to share something with you. I once spent all my life savings, about USD$7000, bought two air tickets and flew to Tahiti with my wife in search of Grandmaster Lu during his retreat.  We spent a good ten days tracking four islands in French Polynesia [Huahine, Raiatea, Moorea and Tahiti]. We didn’t locate him, but met a Chinese businessman who was curious about our search, and helped us check as he was well connected. He subsequently told us there was only one record of Lu’s visit to Tahiti, dated prior to Lu’s official retreat. That shocked us. We were undeterred, and decided upon return to Singapore that we continued to Hawaii to search for Lu, based on his descriptions, and tracked fruitlessly for nine days. We had foolishly wanted to offer Lu a bag of Ginseng head to make tea, as a way of giving support. Our single-pointedness of heart can move heavens. Yet today I told my wife, good thing we didn’t find Lu, as it is likely that he would want to take advantage of my wife, and since we have no idea what sort of a person he really is, we would literally be screwed!
SHC: Thank goodness! That was close! You mean he didn’t escape to Tahiti for his retreat? He lied again!

Cheng: Lu didn’t want you to locate him, so he played hide and seek. On the surface he was entering retreat, but in reality he was hiding in Taiwan. He was temporary staying in Oahu in Hawaii, and later visited Korea. I forgot to ask. How much money did you owe your lawyers? Did they come after you for payment? Are you able to pay them in full? Do you get financial help from others, like from your children?
SHC: I still owe my lawyers slightly over ten thousand US dollars. I don’t have the means to repay them. My husband is in and out of job over these ten years due to his poor English skills. My lawyers never chase me for payment. They just send me a monthly statement. I have relied upon myself to sustain my livelihood through the years. My children have their family and commitment, and I don’t want my children to bear the burden of the legal fee over this bad ass!

Cheng: It has been hard on you. I don’t have much money, and can’t be of any help. Maybe by publishing your email in this interview would help. If anyone wants to help you financially, they can contact you directly at
SHC: It’s OK. Thank you for your help. I only wish that those who are fixated at Lu’s falsehood will leave his devil’s claws one day!

Cheng:  Lu publicly said that all consorts must be at least 18 years old, and frankly I am worried about the parents in True Buddha School who have young daughters in this age group. Lu has opened a Pandora box when he openly endorsed this licentious practice, and knowing how degraded his inner circle disciples can be, many would sexually abuse the opposite sex in the name of cultivation. I can foresee how bad this can get. Do you have any advise for these parents in True Buddha School?
SHC: This is why I want to press charges against Sheng-yen Lu, and revealed my story online, exposing myself (no pun intended!) to the world about my story. This is what I want to say to you. Wake up! One spiritual slip brings perpetual grief.

With this, I conclude my interview with Madam Chong. Honestly, having read SHC’s reply, I could still feel her rage even after all these years since reading her first posting. I admire her courage to speak up, and as one reader Raymond wrote on this website, (, “I believe in Madam Chong solely on the ground that unless a woman really hates you, no woman in her right mind would gamble her chastity, her husband’s name, her children’s future, her family well being; forced to put up with the prejudice of men, and brave all possible threat to her life, only to falsely accuse Sheng-yen Lu of sexual abuse.”
I do not know Madam Chong personally, and I swear I never give her any monetary reward to collaborate with me on this interview. I speak with my conscience as I conduct this interview with Madam Chong, with the sole intention of exposing this self-proclaimed false Buddha called Sheng-yen Lu. Lu is indeed a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a lustful monk who sugar coats his Buddhist teachings to satisfy his sexual craving.
Sheng-yen Lu recently told his disciples not to believe in rumors about him, insinuating that we are fabricating lies to slander him. The fact that he said this further convinced me that my decision to leave him was a correct one. This scumbag is capable of lying through his teeth.
To those hardheaded disciples who remain skeptical and dismiss these accounts as fabrication, I wish you well, as you would certainly need all the luck you can get if the next sexual victim of Sheng-yen Lu happens to be someone you love and know.